Man can never now such glorious words as the words that describe Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris would win the fight with Chucky because Good wins over Evil and Chuck Norris is a righteous man.
chuck Norris is my good freind he is not in the KKK but yes he is a nazi but a good nazi the type of nazi the one that will not cut your for skin off but he might cut your nut sack in 2 and round house kick your mum that was to today in history with chuck Norris
Here's a good one: Chuck Norris has been to Mars. That's why there are no signs of life. And another: Chuck Norris doesn't stub his toe. He just accidentally destroys chairs.
Chuck Norris is stronger but not as good as Bruce lee
-Chuck Norris doesn't sleep..... He waits. -If Superman and Flash had a race.... Chuck Norris would win. -Kids have Superman nightlights, Superman has Chuck Norris nightlights. -Chuck Norris CAN touch MC Hammer. -When Chuck Norris does a push-up, he isn't lifting himself up, he's pushing the Earth down. -Chuck Norris CAN slam a revolving door. -Chuck Norris can get Blackjack with just one card -Guns don't kill people Chuck Norris kills people. -Chuck Norris can kill two stones with one bird. ---- -Chuck Norris lost his virginity before his father did. -Chuck Norris won Russian Roulette, with a fully loaded gun. -Chuck Norris jumps into a lake. Chuck Norris doesn't get wet, the lake gets Chuck Norris-ed. -If you Google Chuck Norris and spell it wrong there are no suggestions or Related Searches. It just says run while you still have the chance. -Chuck Norris once shot down a German Fighter Pilot by making a gun with hus fingers and saying BANG! - A rattlesnake bit Chuck Norris' leg. After 5 days of extreme pain, the snake died. - A man once questioned Chuck Norris' power. That man is now known as "The biggest mistake ever made". - A blind man steps on Chuck Norris' shoe. Chuck Norris replies with "Do you know who I am? I'm Chuck Norris!". The man's blindness is instantly cured, just in time to see Chuck's shoe coming at his face. - Chuck Norris' tears cure Cancer. Too bad Chuck Norris has never cried. - Chuck Norris does not consider it sex if the girl survives. - Chuck Norris killed a man on the North Pole...while he was at the South Pole. - Chuck Norris will never die. Death will get chucked though. Chuck Norris is the last number of Pi. - Chuck Norris is an infinite bad-ass. - The most expensive special effects scene ever was when Chuck was killed in "Way of the Dragon". The first 200 times they shot the scene, the film showed him still alive.
chuck Norris chuck Norris chuck Norris
Chuck Norris is a nice guy ,He is a good cook
Chuck Norris would win the fight with Chucky because Good wins over Evil and Chuck Norris is a righteous man.
chuck Norris is my good freind he is not in the KKK but yes he is a nazi but a good nazi the type of nazi the one that will not cut your for skin off but he might cut your nut sack in 2 and round house kick your mum that was to today in history with chuck Norris
various adjectives of politician
Chuck Norris
chuck Norris
Chuck Norris
Here's a good one: Chuck Norris has been to Mars. That's why there are no signs of life. And another: Chuck Norris doesn't stub his toe. He just accidentally destroys chairs.
This site has plenty of them!
Chuck Norris is stronger but not as good as Bruce lee
pellucid coruscating