Pachirisu (Pokemon)
Palkia (Pokemon)
Palpitoad (Pokemon)
Pancham (Pokemon)
Pangoro (Pokemon)
Panpour (Pokemon)
Pansage (Pokemon)
Pansear (Pokemon)
Paras (Pokemon)
Parasect (Pokemon)
Patrat (Pokemon)
Patrick (from spongebob)
Patti bouvier (simpsons)
Pawniard (Pokemon)
Pebbles Flintstone
Peggy Hill (king of the Hill)
Pelipper (Pokemon)
Penelope Pitstop
Penfold (Danger Mouse)
Penguin (batman)
Pepe Le Pew
Persian (Pokemon)
Peter Griffin (Family Guy)
Peter Parker
Peter Perfect
Petilil (Pokemon)
Phanpy (Pokemon)
Phantump (Pokemon)
Phione (Pokemon)
Phoebe (Dexter's Laboratory)
Pichu (Pokemon)
Pidgeot (Pokemon)
Pidgeotto (Pokemon)
Pidgey (Pokemon)
Pidove (Pokemon)
Pignite (Pokemon)
Pikachu (Pokemon)
Piloswine (Pokemon)
Pineco (Pokemon)
Pink Panther
Pinsir (Pokemon)
Piplup (Pokemon)
Pixie (pixie and dixie)
Plusle (Pokemon)
Pluto, mickey's dog
Politoed (Pokemon)
Poliwag (Pokemon)
Poliwhirl (Pokemon)
Poliwrath (Pokemon)
Ponyta (Pokemon)
Poochyena (Pokemon)
Porky Pig
Porygon (Pokemon)
Porygon-Z (Pokemon)
Porygon2 (Pokemon)
Power Puff girls
Pow Wow the Indian Boy
Precious Pup,
Primeape (Pokemon)
Prinplup (Pokemon)
Probopass (Pokemon)
Professor Pat Pending
Psyduck (Pokemon)
Pumpkaboo (Pokemon)
Pupitar (Pokemon)
Purrloin (Pokemon)
Purugly (Pokemon)
Pyroar (Pokemon)
the Phantom
* Naruto * Nana (Peter Pan) * Nutsy (Lady and the Tramp) * Nemo
some of them do
a rabbit which was the first and a mickey mouse and some other characters
MTV has had several famous cartoon characters associated with the network. Some of the most well-known shows include Beavis and Butt-head, Daria and Celebrity Deathmatch.
captain America
You meant the letter "U". Two of these characters are Underdog, and Ursula.
itachi (naruto)
spongebob squarepants, squidward, superman, spiderman
· Underdog
· Underdog
Yogi Bear and Yosemite Sam are cartoon characters. They begin with the letter Y
The Flinstones, Fred Flinstone. There arn't really many others! Felix the Cat
Violet Gray is a character in the comic strip Peanuts. Her name begins with the letter V.
Mulan ,
* Naruto * Nana (Peter Pan) * Nutsy (Lady and the Tramp) * Nemo