(this is all i could find)
yes 7635987305
There are actually many ways to use the AR pokemon modifier codes. You could either type in the pokemon code in the ar code itself, or there is a special code that gives you 999 masterballs, and you subtract a certain number of masterballs to get the pokemon you need. Search google or bing pokemon modifier codes and how to use them.
to do this you need a gameshark,action reaplay,or vba with leaf green rom i tryed gameshark with the gameboy and it didnt work with over 20 codes now i use warp codes to deoxys,navelrock,and i got all rares i didnt even no leaf had the sprites for so download it
there are cheats for leaf green but there are cheats for Nintendo games Yes there are!!
you'll need Anti DMA code Here it is(gameshark code) 20AAA133853F98EB If it's not working, try this one: 08CEC818DE923E83
No but u can get the Pokemon in leaf green in yellow version or u can use gameshark codes like i do with my visual GB search Pokemon leaf green gameshark codes in Google for the codes :P hope i helped No but u can get the Pokemon in leaf green in yellow version or u can use gameshark codes like i do with my visual GB search Pokemon leaf green gameshark codes in Google for the codes :P hope i helped
there is none you have to use a master ball emilytheanswerwizard99 Actually there is a code on V1.1 Anonymous
i dont think there is an official code but i am almost sure there will be one on google
The following are the Gameshark codes to unlock islands 8 and 9 in Pokémon Leaf Green. The codes are Navel Rock - 82031dbc 2402Birth Island - 82031dbc 3802.
the code is 99FFR342DE
You don't.whatyou don't
not. you either have to trade from pokemon fire red/leaf green or use a gameshark.
Get the -m- codes for the gameshark codes, the codes will most likely affect the game play without the -m-, and it will with it some times, try getting rid of the codes, saving and continuing.
yes 7635987305
Yes You Can Just use gameshark
trade with a fire red/leaf green game or use gameshark