There is a 1% chance of recruiting Ralts. Increase this chance with a high levelled leader Pokemon and a Friend Bow.
First you must have defeated Suicune th first time. Now when you get back, there is a 0.1% chance of recruiting Suicune. So be sure to bring a Friend Bow and a Level 90-100 Pokemon to heighten the chances to around 55%.
You can get Kyogre in Stormy Sea, 40F. You have a 50% chance of recruiting Kyogre to start with, if you defeat it.
it is very hard. I've tried exactly and counting 21 times and still refuses to join. if i were you, i would hold a friend bow and throw a sky gummie at him. that should increase your chances of recruiting him.
Well you obviously get it by getting a Ralts or Kirlia to join your team. this is the easiest way: first,finish the request of medicam next,after you rescue medicham,gengar will appear infront of your team base and will ask you to escort him up to mt. freeze.and the next day,you will escort gengar to murky cave,then yor character and Gengar will go rescue Gardevoir. Gardevoir will appear in the town square the next day,talk to her,then she offers to join your rescue team.
Hostage Rescue Team was created in 1983.
if you have a friendship bow then you have more chance of recruiting him but the chances are higher than normal yet its still by chance
By recruiting Rayquaza.
have a high level Pokemon with a friend bow
No search a life
By recruiting lugia then it should appear soon
he only way to get it is by recruiting one of them but u can only do that with a friend bow
You can only unlock it by recruiting one of the legendary birds
By recruiting lugia and it should appear soon
You can't catch pokemon in red rescue team. You can battle them and they might join your team. The odds of it happening are random.
First you must have defeated Suicune th first time. Now when you get back, there is a 0.1% chance of recruiting Suicune. So be sure to bring a Friend Bow and a Level 90-100 Pokemon to heighten the chances to around 55%.
Groudon is located in Magma Cavern. He has a -10 chance of recruiting.
You can get Kyogre in Stormy Sea, 40F. You have a 50% chance of recruiting Kyogre to start with, if you defeat it.