The cast of Ghostbusters - 1986 includes: Susan Blu Peter Cullen as Eddie Spenser Jr. Linda Gary Linda Gary as Mysteria Alan Oppenheimer Alan Oppenheimer as Prime Evil Erika Scheimer Erika Scheimer as Additional Voices Lou Scheimer as Additional Voices Lou Scheimer as Tracy Lou Scheimer as Tracy the Gorilla Larry Storch as Eddie Spenser Sr. Forrest Tucker as Jake Kong Sr.
The cast of Ghostbusters vs. Mythbusters - 2013 includes: Amelia Benjamin as Paige Melissa Duryee as Carly Mary Elizabeth Johnson as Janine Madeline Jenkins as Polly Ivan Mallon as Jefferson Miriam Muriithi as Cassidy Jane Nelson Arendale as April Lucas Schroeder as Bert Holden Scott as Howie Anna Spear as Summer Ally Synder as Lorraine Noah Whitworth as Jason Joey Zukowski as Brent
I think it means tkdykkyfg Honestly.... A repel keeps wild Pokemon away for 150 steps... a super repel keeps them away for 200 steps ... a max repel keeps them away for 250 steps... it only works for weaker Pokemon though....don't expect wild Pokemon at the Battle Frontier areas or in Victory Road to stay away from you just because you used a repel
Yeah, all you have to do is purchase a repel (100 steps) or a max repel (250 steps) and put a powerful Pokemon in the front. Use the repel, and weak pokemon, e.g., the zubats in a cave won't attack you. --CC
You don't need to use a Repel, but it makes it easier to find if your Pokemon is higher than the other wild Pokemon, but lower than Raikou.
you take the character and squeze the boobs of an elephant!!!!!
It is in every shop except in Odale Town they cost 350 each.
Dave chapelle
Assuming that you believe that ghosts exist, it would be logical to think that a ghost who had believed a cross would repel ghosts in life would believe this in its afterlife and therefore be repelled. However, if the ghost did not have any such associations with crosses in life, why would it fear a cross in the afterlife?
they repel. opposites attract!
The strong smell of garlic can help repel mosquitoes.
They repel.
Repel's population is 65.
Atheists always repel the sayings about the existence of God. Magnetic poles repel each other Electric charges repel each other. Always repel the usage of drugs.
No, magnets do not repel sharks.
like poles repel because North to south attract and North to north repel
Water and oil repel each other.
"Repel" means "push away".