The cast of Roses - 2011 includes: Reuel Pendleton as Josh
The cast of Among the Roses - 1910 includes: King Baggot Florence Lawrence
The cast of Guns and Roses - 1989 includes: Stephen Chang as Flower Man
The cast of Gardens with Red Roses - 2009 includes: Helen Mutch as Debbie
The cast of Fistful of Roses - 2011 includes: Arthur Pope as Doorman Innes Wood as himself
The cast of Roses - 2011 includes: Reuel Pendleton as Josh
The cast of A Bed of Roses - 1922 includes: James Parrott
The cast of Dead Roses - 2005 includes: Johnathan Tucker
The cast of No More Roses - 1999 includes: Darren LaCroix as Ex boyfriend
The cast of Island of Roses - 1995 includes: Rebecca Amato Levy as herself
The cast of Pressed Roses - 1910 includes: King Baggot Florence Lawrence
The cast of NYPD Roses - 2011 includes: Calvin Rose as Calvin Rose
The cast of Among the Roses - 1910 includes: King Baggot Florence Lawrence
The cast of Guns and Roses - 1989 includes: Stephen Chang as Flower Man
The cast of Gardens with Red Roses - 2009 includes: Helen Mutch as Debbie
The cast of Where the Wild Roses Grow - 1995 includes: Nick Cave as Man
The cast of Red Red Roses - 2013 includes: Cole Rossouw as Singer