The cast of Murder in Portland - 2002 includes: Clint Ashley Cory Kaster Vicky Kors as Detective Jamerson Maurice Maxwell as Capt. Fredricksburg Zac Taber Anthony Todero
The cast of Murder Dawg - 2010 includes: Teddy Tutson as Murder Dawg
The cast of A Swinging Murder - 2006 includes: Gary Mavers as Narrator
The cast of Blade of Murder - 2013 includes: Devin Camp as Lorenzo
The cast of Unsolved Murder Unit - 2008 includes: James Nuciforo as himself
The cast of Murder in Circus - 1971 includes: Shetty Jaymala Bela Bose Sujit Kumar
The cast of Murder - 2012 includes: Carlitos Dosouto as Tony
The cast of The Adventures of Portland Bill - 1983 includes: Norman Rossington as Narrator
The cast of President Roosevelt at Portland - 1905 includes: Theodore Roosevelt as himself
The cast of Murder Dawg - 2010 includes: Teddy Tutson as Murder Dawg
The cast of M.S. Murder - 1997 includes: Susann Uplegger
The cast of The Art of Murder - 2012 includes: Luigi Cozzi
The cast of Murder Story - 1958 includes: John Ewart
The cast of Murder in the Family - 1985 includes: Glynis Johns
The cast of Murder in the Dark - 1960 includes: Desmond Dhooge
The cast of The Portland Empire - 2012 includes: Sally Greenland as The Women Angus Hepburn as Alexander
The cast of Murder Ballads - 2014 includes: Armar Gonsalves as Huddie
The cast of Murder Monologue - 2008 includes: William Day as Actor