The cast of Mourning - 2010 includes: David Jonathan Dalton as Father
The cast of Playtime for Babies - 2000 includes: Erynn Dalton as Mother
The cast of I Dream of Zinedine Zidane - 2005 includes: Patrick Dalton as The Dreamer
The cast of Eat and Be Happy - 1921 includes: Irene Dalton Francis Ford James Harrison
The cast of Luna and the Moon - 2006 includes: Ben Dalton as James Raquelle David as Kelly
The cast of Defining David Dalton - 2010 includes: Nehemiah Blazek as David Dalton Mary Harrell
The cast of Diminuendo - 2011 includes: Kelsey Blackwell as Daughter Sam Dalton as Spenser Dalton
The cast of The Anniversary - 1994 includes: Master Dalton
The cast of Contrarian - 2013 includes: Fred Dalton Thompson
The cast of The Bundle - 1997 includes: Lisa Dalton as Lead
The cast of A Call - 2013 includes: Dalton Lilley as Criminal
The cast of Nightrider - 2014 includes: Danilo Mancinelli as Dalton
The cast of Dorothy Dalton in a Liberty Loan Appeal - 1918 includes: Dorothy Dalton as A Red Cross nurse
The cast of Trumbo - 2015 includes: Bryan Cranston as Dalton Trumbo
The cast of The Advisor - 1921 includes: Irene Dalton Lloyd Hamilton
The cast of This Can Happen to You - 2009 includes: Tee Schneider as Linda Dalton
The cast of Swallow - 2000 includes: Ty Dalton Guy Ryder