The cast of Long Fliv the King - 1926 includes: John Aasen as Giant Swordsman Sammy Brooks Charley Chase as Charles Chase Max Davidson as Warfield Fred Malatesta as Hamir of Uvocado - the Prime Minister Lon Poff Martha Sleeper as Princess Helga of Thermosa
Long Fliv the King was created on 1926-06-13.
Long Fliv the King - 1926 was released on: USA: 13 June 1926 USA: 3 August 2004 (DVD premiere)
Long Fliv the King - 1926 is rated/received certificates of: USA:Passed (National Board of Review) USA:TV-G (TV rating)
The duration of Long Fliv the King is 1500.0 seconds.
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern FLIV---. That is, seven letter words with 1st letter F and 2nd letter L and 3rd letter I and 4th letter V. In alphabetical order, they are: flivver
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern ---FLIV--. That is, nine letter words with 4th letter F and 5th letter L and 6th letter I and 7th letter V. In alphabetical order, they are: halflives
Martha Sleeper has: Played Betty in "The Mailman" in 1923. Played Lady with rings around her eyes in "Every Man for Himself" in 1924. Performed in "All Wet" in 1924. Performed in "The Racing Kid" in 1924. Performed in "Sweet Daddy" in 1924. Played The Apache Dancer in "Too Many Mammas" in 1924. Performed in "Happy Days" in 1924. Played Mrs. Dugan in "A Ten-Minute Egg" in 1924. Performed in "Outdoor Pajamas" in 1924. Performed in "The Royal Razz" in 1924. Performed in "Seeing Nellie Home" in 1924. Performed in "Trailing Trouble" in 1924. Played Hotel Telephone Operator in "Sherlock Sleuth" in 1925. Performed in "Hold Everything" in 1925. Played The Maid, Book Store Clerk in "Big Red Riding Hood" in 1925. Performed in "Wild Papa" in 1925. Performed in "Tame Men and Wild Women" in 1925. Performed in "There Goes the Bride" in 1925. Performed in "Plain and Fancy Girls" in 1925. Performed in "Laughing Ladies" in 1925. Played Girl at Party in "Innocent Husbands" in 1925. Played Princess Helga of Thermosa in "Long Fliv the King" in 1926. Played Bride in "Thundering Fleas" in 1926. Played The Bride in "Crazy Like a Fox" in 1926. Performed in "Never Too Old" in 1926. Performed in "The Merry Widower" in 1926. Played Leggy lady in "Baby Clothes" in 1926. Performed in "Ukulele Sheiks" in 1926. Performed in "Wise Guys Prefer Brunettes" in 1926. Played Marie, the Maid in "Along Came Auntie" in 1926. Played Maid in "Don Key (Son of Burro)" in 1926. Played Bit Role in "Bromo and Juliet" in 1926. Performed in "A Punch in the Nose" in 1926. Played Minor Role in "Dizzy Daddies" in 1926. Performed in "Madame Mystery" in 1926. Performed in "The Way of All Pants" in 1927. Played Daughter in "Flaming Fathers" in 1927. Performed in "Fighting Fathers" in 1927. Played Rachel Gimplewart in "Jewish Prudence" in 1927. Played Daughter in "Fluttering Hearts" in 1927. Played Daughter in "Pass the Gravy" in 1928. Played Kitty in "Danger Street" in 1928. Played Flora Mactavish in "Taxi 13" in 1928. Played Sally in "The Air Legion" in 1929. Played Ruth in "The Voice of the Storm" in 1929. Played Evelyn Woodforth in "Our Blushing Brides" in 1930. Played Fish Girl in "Madam Satan" in 1930. Played Helen in "War Nurse" in 1930. Played Lucille in "Confessions of a Co-Ed" in 1931. Played Harriet Mundy in "Girls Demand Excitement" in 1931. Played Corrine in "A Tailor Made Man" in 1931. Played Nancy Clark in "Ten Cents a Dance" in 1931. Played Party Girl in "Rasputin and the Empress" in 1932. Played Barbara Winston in "Huddle" in 1932. Played Sue Leonard in "Penthouse" in 1933. Played Martha Morley in "Broken Dreams" in 1933. Played Barbara in "Midnight Mary" in 1933. Played Eleanor Stafford in "Spitfire" in 1934. Played Ril Lambeth in "West of the Pecos" in 1934. Played Show Girl in "Hollywood Party" in 1934. Played Marcia Harper in "Great God Gold" in 1935. Played Elsie Summerstone in "Two Sinners" in 1935. Played Julia Vivian in "The Scoundrel" in 1935. Played Constance Hyde in "Rhythm on the Range" in 1936. Played herself in "Days of Thrills and Laughter" in 1961.
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern FLIV---S. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter F and 2nd letter L and 3rd letter I and 4th letter V and 8th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are: flivvers
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern FLIV-E--. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter F and 2nd letter L and 3rd letter I and 4th letter V and 6th letter E. In alphabetical order, they are: flivvers
Sammy Brooks has: Performed in "Luke, the Candy Cut-Up" in 1916. Played Jewish man in "Luke Joins the Navy" in 1916. Performed in "Luke, Patient Provider" in 1916. Performed in "Luke, the Gladiator" in 1916. Performed in "Luke Does the Midway" in 1916. Performed in "Luke Pipes the Pippins" in 1916. Performed in "Luke and the Bang-Tails" in 1916. Performed in "Luke, Crystal Gazer" in 1916. Performed in "Luke, the Chauffeur" in 1916. Performed in "Luke Laughs Last" in 1916. Performed in "Luke, Rank Impersonator" in 1916. Performed in "Luke Locates the Loot" in 1916. Performed in "Luke Rides Roughshod" in 1916. Performed in "Luke and the Mermaids" in 1916. Played Short messenger in "Lonesome Luke, Messenger" in 1917. Performed in "Lonesome Luke Loses Patients" in 1917. Performed in "The Big Idea" in 1917. Performed in "Step Lively" in 1917. Performed in "Lonesome Luke on Tin Can Alley" in 1917. Performed in "We Never Sleep" in 1917. Performed in "Move On" in 1917. Played Midget crew member in "All Aboard" in 1917. Performed in "Clubs Are Trump" in 1917. Performed in "Birds of a Feather" in 1917. Performed in "Love, Laughs and Lather" in 1917. Performed in "Over the Fence" in 1917. Performed in "Lonesome Luke, Mechanic" in 1917. Performed in "Pinched" in 1917. Performed in "Bashful" in 1917. Performed in "The Flirt" in 1917. Performed in "Lonesome Luke, Plumber" in 1917. Performed in "Lonesome Luke, Lawyer" in 1917. Performed in "Rainbow Island" in 1917. Played Short musician in "Bliss" in 1917. Played Spectator at Beach in "By the Sad Sea Waves" in 1917. Performed in "Here Come the Girls" in 1918. Performed in "Take a Chance" in 1918. Performed in "Kicked Out" in 1918. Performed in "The City Slicker" in 1918. Performed in "Two-Gun Gussie" in 1918. Performed in "She Loves Me Not" in 1918. Performed in "Bees in His Bonnet" in 1918. Performed in "Somewhere in Turkey" in 1918. Performed in "Pipe the Whiskers" in 1918. Performed in "An Ozark Romance" in 1918. Performed in "Beat It" in 1918. Performed in "The Tip" in 1918. Performed in "Look Pleasant, Please" in 1918. Performed in "Follow the Crowd" in 1918. Performed in "Fireman Save My Child" in 1918. Played Short Prop Man in "Hey There" in 1918. Performed in "A Gasoline Wedding" in 1918. Played Short bearded man in "The Non-Stop Kid" in 1918. Performed in "The Lamb" in 1918. Performed in "Swing Your Partners" in 1918. Performed in "Hit Him Again" in 1918. Performed in "Pay Your Dues" in 1919. Performed in "The Floor Below" in 1919. Performed in "Heap Big Chief" in 1919. Performed in "He Leads, Others Follow" in 1919. Performed in "The Rajah" in 1919. Performed in "The Marathon" in 1919. Performed in "Crack Your Heels" in 1919. Performed in "On the Fire" in 1919. Performed in "Bumping Into Broadway" in 1919. Played Short Man in Bank in "Just Neighbors" in 1919. Performed in "At the Old Stage Door" in 1919. Performed in "Look Out Below" in 1919. Played Small Office Worker in "Ask Father" in 1919. Performed in "From Hand to Mouth" in 1919. Performed in "His Only Father" in 1919. Performed in "All at Sea" in 1919. Performed in "Swat the Crook" in 1919. Performed in "Si, Senor" in 1919. Performed in "Be My Wife" in 1919. Played Little Man in "Never Touched Me" in 1919. Performed in "Young Mr. Jazz" in 1919. Performed in "Count Your Change" in 1919. Played Short Soldier in "A Sammy in Siberia" in 1919. Performed in "A Jazzed Honeymoon" in 1919. Performed in "Next Aisle Over" in 1919. Performed in "Pistols for Breakfast" in 1919. Performed in "Off the Trolley" in 1919. Performed in "Billy Blazes, Esq." in 1919. Performed in "Count the Votes" in 1919. Played Troup Manager in "Ring Up the Curtain" in 1919. Performed in "Soft Money" in 1919. Performed in "Haunted Spooks" in 1920. Performed in "All Lit Up" in 1920. Performed in "Go As You Please" in 1920. Played Small Role in "An Eastern Westerner" in 1920. Performed in "His Royal Slyness" in 1920. Performed in "Alias Aladdin" in 1920. Played A Patient in "The Dippy Dentist" in 1920. Performed in "Any Old Port" in 1920. Performed in "The Sleepyhead" in 1920. Performed in "Call a Taxi" in 1920. Played Corner man in "At the Ringside" in 1921. Played Guest in "Among Those Present" in 1921. Performed in "Sweet By and By" in 1921. Performed in "Stop Kidding" in 1921. Performed in "The Pickaninny" in 1921. Played Minor Role in "Rush Orders" in 1921. Performed in "Oh, Promise Me" in 1921. Performed in "On Their Way" in 1921. Played Short Man on Train in "Now or Never" in 1921. Performed in "The Lucky Number" in 1921. Performed in "Sink or Swim" in 1921. Played Wedding attendee in "Name the Day" in 1921. Performed in "Take Next Car" in 1922. Performed in "The Sleuth" in 1922. Performed in "Loose Change" in 1922. Performed in "The Bride-to-Be" in 1922. Played Short actor playing doctor in "The Dumb-Bell" in 1922. Performed in "Stage Struck" in 1922. Performed in "The Landlubber" in 1922. Performed in "Scorching Sands" in 1923. Played Minor Role in "A Man About Town" in 1923. Played Fruit stand vendor in "The Champeen" in 1923. Played A millworker in "The Noon Whistle" in 1923. Performed in "The Soilers" in 1923. Played Runt in "The Uncovered Wagon" in 1923. Performed in "Bowled Over" in 1923. Played The Boss in "The Walkout" in 1923. Performed in "Post No Bills" in 1923. Played Miner in "Pick and Shovel" in 1923. Performed in "The Smile Wins" in 1923. Played Laundry Worker in "Collars and Cuffs" in 1923. Played On Lantern Slide in "Before the Public" in 1923. Performed in "Take the Air" in 1923. Performed in "Tight Shoes" in 1923. Played Gunner in "Under Two Jags" in 1923. Played Worker in "Oranges and Lemons" in 1923. Played Jailer in "For Safe Keeping" in 1923. Performed in "Jailed and Bailed" in 1923. Played Short non-customer in "Kill or Cure" in 1923. Played Man in Employment Line in "Smithy" in 1924. Played Barn dance musician in "Near Dublin" in 1924. Played Townsman in "A Truthful Liar" in 1924. Performed in "Postage Due" in 1924. Played Balloon man in "The Poor Fish" in 1924. Played Palace guard in "Rupert of Hee Haw" in 1924. Played McHungry in "Short Kilts" in 1924. Played Short Train Passenger in "Girl Shy" in 1924. Performed in "The Cowboy Sheik" in 1924. Performed in "Brothers Under the Chin" in 1924. Played Tour Bus Driver in "Our Congressman" in 1924. Played Lobby Bystander in "A Ten-Minute Egg" in 1924. Performed in "Zeb vs. Paprika" in 1924. Performed in "Wide Open Spaces" in 1924. Performed in "Wild Papa" in 1925. Played Blind man in "Looking for Sally" in 1925. Performed in "Laughing Ladies" in 1925. Played The Sheik in "Whispering Lions" in 1925. Performed in "Unfriendly Enemies" in 1925. Performed in "Tame Men and Wild Women" in 1925. Performed in "All Wool" in 1925. Performed in "Sherlock Sleuth" in 1925. Performed in "Tell It to a Policeman" in 1925. Performed in "Long Fliv the King" in 1926. Played Undetermined Role in "Raggedy Rose" in 1926. Performed in "The Merry Widower" in 1926. Performed in "The Old War-Horse" in 1926. Played Bit Role in "Bromo and Juliet" in 1926. Played Short Flea Circus Spectator in "Thundering Fleas" in 1926. Performed in "Never Too Old" in 1926. Played Construction Worker in "Wandering Papas" in 1926. Performed in "Don Key (Son of Burro)" in 1926. Performed in "Say It with Babies" in 1926. Performed in "A Punch in the Nose" in 1926. Played Minor Role in "Dizzy Daddies" in 1926. Performed in "Madame Mystery" in 1926. Played Streetcar passenger in "Snappy Sneezer" in 1929. Played Man in audience in "Movie Night" in 1929. Played Short Train Passenger in "Berth Marks" in 1929. Played Hunter in "The Real McCoy" in 1930. Played Little Wrestling Match Referee in "Catch as Catch Can" in 1931. Played Job Applicant in "Help Wanted, Female" in 1931. Performed in "Rhapsody in Brew" in 1933. Played Hitchhiker in "On the Wrong Trek" in 1936. Played Gypsy Vagabond in "The Bohemian Girl" in 1936. Played Brushwood Gulch Citizen in "Way Out West" in 1937. Played Extra in "Swiss Miss" in 1938.
Fred Malatesta has: Played Joseph Lechison - a Dilettante in "The Woman with a Rose" in 1915. Performed in "What I Said Goes" in 1916. Performed in "Marooned" in 1916. Played Donalson in "The Chimney Sweep" in 1916. Performed in "The Greatest Thing in Life" in 1918. Played Grand Duke Paul in "The Legion of Death" in 1918. Played Count Theodore de Seramo in "The Demon" in 1918. Played General Lopanzo in "Full of Pep" in 1919. Played Black John in "Terror of the Range" in 1919. Played Raoul de Bergerac in "Big Happiness" in 1920. Played Enrico Colonna in "The Valley of Tomorrow" in 1920. Played Lanzana in "The Best of Luck" in 1920. Played Ralli in "Risky Business" in 1920. Played Jules Lafitte in "The Challenge of the Law" in 1920. Played Syke Ravenal in "The Sins of Rosanne" in 1920. Played Amilo Rodolpho in "All Dolled Up" in 1921. Played Maurice, a Modiste in "White Shoulders" in 1922. Played Max Levy in "The Woman He Loved" in 1922. Played Joe Cateau in "The Man Between" in 1923. Played Gustav Kenski in "Refuge" in 1923. Played Ramon Valhays in "The Girl Who Came Back" in 1923. Played French ambassador in "Forbidden Paradise" in 1924. Played Count De Winter in "Honor Among Men" in 1924. Played Count Dardnelle in "Broadway or Bust" in 1924. Played Pietro in "The Lullaby" in 1924. Played Ducrow in "Without Mercy" in 1925. Played Hamir of Uvocado - the Prime Minister in "Long Fliv the King" in 1926. Played Cheron, the Tenor in "Kiki" in 1926. Played Castelrous in "Bardelys the Magnificent" in 1926. Performed in "Don Key (Son of Burro)" in 1926. Played Man of a Thousand Eyes in "Madame Mystery" in 1926. Played The crook in "Galloping Ghosts" in 1928. Played Vicarino in "The Wagon Show" in 1928. Played Julio in "The Gate Crasher" in 1928. Played Thomas Elton in "The Peacock Fan" in 1929. Played Sudro in "The Black Book" in 1929. Performed in "El precio de un beso" in 1930. Played Tobey Moran in "Caught Cheating" in 1931. Played LaRoque in "La mujer X" in 1931. Played Party Waiter in "Possessed" in 1931. Played Hotel Manager in "Trouble in Paradise" in 1932. Played Gendarme in "The Man from Yesterday" in 1932. Played Manera in "A Farewell to Arms" in 1932. Played Dr. Sandro Tito in "Get That Girl" in 1932. Played Capt. Garcia in "Laughing at Life" in 1933. Played Hotel Arcady Manager in "The Girl in 419" in 1933. Played Restaurant manager in "Beer and Pretzels" in 1933. Played Comandante in "Granaderos del amor" in 1934. Played Joe - Headwaiter in "The Thin Man" in 1934. Played French Officer in "The Gay Bride" in 1934. Played Castro in "Picture Brides" in 1934. Performed in "Perfectly Mismated" in 1934. Played French Manager in "Student Tour" in 1934. Played Headwaiter in "Riptide" in 1934. Played Judge Venturini in "Call It Luck" in 1934. Played Stagehand in "A Night at the Opera" in 1935. Played William - King of Sicily in "The Crusades" in 1935. Played La Valle in "1,000 Dollars a Minute" in 1935. Played French Official in "The Lone Wolf Returns" in 1935. Played Duquesne in "Fighting Shadows" in 1935. Played Italian Man in "Love Me Forever" in 1935. Played Ambassador in "La veuve joyeuse" in 1935. Played Italian Captain in "Dressed to Thrill" in 1935. Played Doorman in "Under the Pampas Moon" in 1935. Played Nick Zellini in "Senor Jim" in 1936. Played Man in "Mary of Scotland" in 1936. Played French Waiter in "Love on the Run" in 1936. Played Stranger in "Anthony Adverse" in 1936. Played French Official in "Lady of Secrets" in 1936. Played Chasseur Lieutenant in "Under Two Flags" in 1936. Played Waiter on Last Ship in "Dodsworth" in 1936. Played Cafe Head Waiter in "Modern Times" in 1936. Played French Guard in "Mama Steps Out" in 1937. Played Ricardo in "The Gold Racket" in 1937. Played Majordomo in "Beg, Borrow or Steal" in 1937. Played French Pickpocket in "Espionage" in 1937. Played Waiter in "Conquest" in 1937. Played Bird Seller in "Port of Seven Seas" in 1938. Played Jewel Merchant in "Suez" in 1938. Played Treasury Official in "Artists and Models Abroad" in 1938. Played Officer Under Gen. Sebastian in "Four Men and a Prayer" in 1938. Played Policeman in "Sharpshooters" in 1938. Played Italian Officer in "International Settlement" in 1938. Played Esteban, the butler in "The Black Doll" in 1938. Played Shipboard Photographer in "Love Affair" in 1939. Played Cassini - in Shipboard Brawl in "Bridal Suite" in 1939. Played Genoa in "Rangers of Fortune" in 1940. Played Sentry in "The Mark of Zorro" in 1940. Played Spanish Mechanic in "Arise, My Love" in 1940. Played Native Policeman in "Road to Singapore" in 1940. Played Half-breed Archer in "North West Mounted Police" in 1940. Played Horserace Loser at Fiesta in "Down Argentine Way" in 1940. Played Plainclothesman in "Argentine Nights" in 1940. Played Butler in "That Night in Rio" in 1941. Played Flores - Roulette Croupier in "Week-End in Havana" in 1941. Played Waiter in "Blood and Sand" in 1941. Performed in "The Woman with the Hungry Eyes" in 2006.
Max Davidson has: Played A Tramp in "The Narrow Road" in 1912. Played Landlord in "The Transformation of Mike" in 1912. Played The Superintendent in "Scenting a Terrible Crime" in 1913. Played Izzy in "How Izzy Was Saved" in 1914. Played Izzy in "Izzy Gets the Wrong Bottle" in 1914. Performed in "Bill Manages a Prizefighter" in 1914. Played Jerry Harcourt in "Hubby to the Rescue" in 1914. Played Policeman in "After Her Dough" in 1914. Played Izzy in "Izzy and the Bandit" in 1914. Played Gambler in "The Record Breaker" in 1914. Played The Old Clothes Dealer in "A Fortune in Pants" in 1914. Played Izzy in "How Izzy Stuck to His Post" in 1914. Performed in "Leave It to Smiley" in 1914. Played Izzy in "Izzy and His Rival" in 1914. Played The Janitor in "Ethel Has a Steady" in 1914. Played Lunch Counter Proprietor in "Bill Goes in Business for Himself" in 1914. Performed in "Bill Spoils a Vacation" in 1914. Played The Commissioner in "The Housebreakers" in 1914. Performed in "Bill Organizes a Union" in 1914. Played Izzy Hupp in "Izzy, the Operator" in 1914. Played Izzy in "Izzy, the Detective" in 1914. Performed in "Bill and Ethel at the Ball" in 1914. Performed in "A Corner in Hats" in 1914. Played Izzy Hupp in "Izzy and the Diamond" in 1914. Played Gang Member in "The Last Drink of Whiskey" in 1914. Played Minister in "The Million Dollar Bride" in 1914. Performed in "By Fair Means or Foul" in 1915. Played Max in "The Jinx on Jenks" in 1915. Played Mr. Flivver in "A Chase by Moonlight" in 1915. Played Mr. Grinder in "Home Again" in 1915. Performed in "A Flyer in Spring Water" in 1915. Played Papa in "Over and Back" in 1915. Played Tony in "Cupid and the Pest" in 1915. Played Mr. Riche in "Caught by the Handle" in 1915. Performed in "Brave and Bold" in 1915. Played Max in "Unwinding It" in 1915. Played Colonel Boom in "Faithful to the Finish" in 1915. Performed in "Beautiful Love" in 1915. Performed in "Love and Business" in 1915. Performed in "Gasoline Gus" in 1915. Played Sancho Panza in "Don Quixote" in 1915. Performed in "Bill Gives a Smoker" in 1915. Played The Tailor in "Bill Turns Valet" in 1915. Played Detective Schmultz in "A Costly Exchange" in 1915. Played Papa in "Shocking Stockings" in 1915. Played Detective in "Beppo, the Barber" in 1915. Performed in "Flooey and Axel" in 1915. Played Mr. Spear in "The Fatal Finger Prints" in 1915. Performed in "A Calico Vampire" in 1916. Performed in "The Lady Drummer" in 1916. Played Scaramouche in "Puppets" in 1916. Played Butler in "Mr. Goode, Samaritan" in 1916. Performed in "The French Milliner" in 1916. Performed in "A Villainous Villain" in 1916. Played Mystic Seer in "Sunshine Dad" in 1916. Played Joe Eastman in "A Daughter of the Poor" in 1917. Played Max in "The Hun Within" in 1918. Played The Kindly Neighbor in "The Mother and the Law" in 1919. Played Abram Isaacs in "The Hoodlum" in 1919. Played Ferdinand Brandeis in "No Woman Knows" in 1921. Played The Tailor in "The Idle Rich" in 1921. Played Michael Callahan in "The Right That Failed" in 1922. Performed in "Glad Rags" in 1922. Played Abe Rosenstein in "Second Hand Rose" in 1922. Played Pawnbroker in "Turn to the Right" in 1922. Played Georges Cartier in "Remembrance" in 1922. Played Tailor in "The Extra Girl" in 1923. Played Solomon Levinsky in "The Darling of New York" in 1923. Played Raspushkin in "The Ghost Patrol" in 1923. Performed in "Plumb Crazy" in 1923. Played Commissar in "The Rendezvous" in 1923. Played French peasant in "Scars of Jealousy" in 1923. Played Street Merchant in "Hold Your Breath" in 1924. Played Pierre (copyrighted version only) in "Untamed Youth" in 1924. Played The Jeweler in "Three Women" in 1924. Performed in "Eat and Run" in 1924. Played Max Ginsberg in "The Rag Man" in 1925. Played Max Ginsburg in "Old Clothes" in 1925. Played Izzy Hawkins in "Justice of the Far North" in 1925. Played Solomon Levy in "Sunshine of Paradise Alley" in 1926. Played Mr. Browning - Movie Producer in "Don Key (Son of Burro)" in 1926. Played Warfield in "Long Fliv the King" in 1926. Played Moe Ginsberg in "Raggedy Rose" in 1926. Played David Mandel in "The Johnstown Flood" in 1926. Played Papa Levy in "Kitty from Killarney" in 1926. Played Shoestring Salesman in "Into Her Kingdom" in 1926. Played Papa Gimplewart in "Call of the Cuckoo" in 1927. Played Sam Weinberg in "Pleasure Before Business" in 1927. Played Michael Cohen in "Cheaters" in 1927. Performed in "What Every Iceman Knows" in 1927. Played Papa Gimplewart in "Jewish Prudence" in 1927. Played Papa Gimplewart in "Flaming Fathers" in 1927. Played Papa Whisselberg in "Why Girls Say No" in 1927. Played Night Court Spectator in "My Best Girl" in 1927. Performed in "Fighting Fathers" in 1927. Played Elias Butterman in "Hotel Imperial" in 1927. Played The Father in "Dumb Daddies" in 1928. Performed in "That Night" in 1928. Performed in "All Parts" in 1928. Played Father in "Pass the Gravy" in 1928. Performed in "Tell It to the Judge" in 1928. Played Papa Gimplewort in "Came the Dawn" in 1928. Performed in "Blow by Blow" in 1928. Performed in "Great Gobs" in 1929. Played Detective Davidson in "Going Ga-ga" in 1929. Played Marriage Broker in "The Lottery Bride" in 1930. Played Professor Schoenheimer in "The Shrimp" in 1930. Performed in "A Fall to Arms" in 1930. Played Beer Garden Manager in "A Woman of Experience" in 1931. Played Max Davidson in "The Itching Hour" in 1931. Performed in "One of the Smiths" in 1931. Played Max in "Lawyer Man" in 1932. Played Max Ranovich in "Docks of San Francisco" in 1932. Played Toby in "Daring Danger" in 1932. Played Mr. Schwartz in "The Wet Parade" in 1932. Played Larsen in "The Cohens and Kellys in Trouble" in 1933. Performed in "Hokus Focus" in 1933. Performed in "The Trail of Vince Barnett" in 1933. Played Abe Cohen - Tailor in "The World Gone Mad" in 1933. Played Dried Up Old Man in "The Cat and the Fiddle" in 1934. Played Man in 1780 Sequence in "The House of Rothschild" in 1934. Played Mendel in "Straight Is the Way" in 1934. Played Tailor in "Metropolitan" in 1935. Played Little Man in "Law Beyond the Range" in 1935. Played Seller in "The Farmer Takes a Wife" in 1935. Played Man Saluting Charley in Restaurant in "Southern Exposure" in 1935. Played Singing Fight Spectator in "Kelly the Second" in 1936. Played The Peddler in "Rogue of the Range" in 1936. Played Max in "The Girl Said No" in 1937. Played Chamberlain in "Rosalie" in 1937. Played Tailor in "Exclusive" in 1937. Played Mr. Shelman - Jury Member in "Man of the People" in 1937. Played Card Player in "Union Pacific" in 1939. Played Old Man in "The Great Commandment" in 1939. Played Storekeeper in "No Census, No Feeling" in 1940. Played Man in Clinic in "I Take This Woman" in 1940. Played Jewish Man in "The Great Dictator" in 1940. Played Flower Man in "Kitty Foyle" in 1940. Played Old Postman in "The Mortal Storm" in 1940. Played Juror in "Reap the Wild Wind" in 1942. Played Man in Library in "Adventure" in 1945.