The cast of Ja imam talenat - 2011 includes: Ivana Bajic as Herself - Presenter Danica Maksimovic as Herself - Judge Aleksandar Milic as Herself - Judge Aleksandar Milic as Himself - Judge Ivan Tasovac as Herself - Judge Ivan Tasovac as Himself - Judge
The cast of Taliya.Date.Com - 2011 includes: Gilad Adler as himself Elad Aviran as himself Daniel Broide as himself Eri Daniel Erlich as Date no.21 Nosson Dovid Kohn as himself Mickey Edlis as himself Noam Edry as herself Dorit Finkel as Herself - mother Taliya Finkel as Taliya Oded Goldfarb as Oded Goldfarb Avi Golomb as himself Avner Hadash as himself Liran Kantrovitz as himself Nick Kulyohin as Date no. 16 Yehu Moran as Date no.45 Leon Nonin as himself Yair Rosenberg as himself Guy Salman as Date no. 1 Ben Sela as himself Ron Shimoni as himself Tamir Shov as himself Eyal Spivak as Himself - date no. 2 Omri Tessler as himself Zachi Toledo as himself Oren Yakubovitz as himself Nir Yosfan as himself
The cast of I Am - 2011 includes: Sonali Gulati
The cast of You Are - 2011 includes: Josh Schilling
The cast of You Did This - 2011 includes: Johnny Patisaul as Husband
The cast of You - 2011 includes: Dina Najjar as Wife
The cast of Baobab - 2011 includes: Amin Albahari
The cast of I ja imam talenat - 2011 includes: Danica Maksimovic as Herself - Judge Danica Maksimovic as Herself - Presenter Aleksandar Milic as Himself - Judge Una Senic as Herself - Presenter Ivan Tasovac as Himself - Judge
The cast of I Am - 2011 includes: Sonali Gulati
The cast of You Are - 2011 includes: Josh Schilling
The cast of You Did This - 2011 includes: Johnny Patisaul as Husband
The cast of The Get Out - 2011 includes: Geraldine Q as Geraldine
The cast of I Do - 2011 includes: Greg Zajac as Groom
The cast of I - 2011 includes: Zivanka Markovic as Drea
The cast of As I Am - 2011 includes: Lanny Thomas as Antonio
The cast of Be - 2011 includes: Joana Rocha as herself
The cast of Who Am I - 2011 includes: Kazimir Jones as The Douche
The cast of There She Is... - 2011 includes: Erin Judge as Roommate
The cast of You - 2011 includes: Dina Najjar as Wife