The cast of Egor i Nastya - 1989 includes: Yegor Belkin as himself Nastya Poleva as herself
The cast of Kalabhimani - 1989 includes: Balkrishna
The cast of A hecc - 1989 includes: Rita Russek
The cast of Submitting - 1989 includes: Craig Schlattman
The cast of Aelan - 1989 includes: Kumija Kim
The cast of The Dogs - 1989 includes: Michael Maloney
The cast of Savraska - 1989 includes: Tatyana Aksyuta Nastya Gorpinchenko Andrei Kamentsev Vitalik Karlinski Lena Kuzovik Grisha Liberchuk Alla Oding Alla Podlevskaya Anna Varpakhovskaya Dmitry Yemelyanov
The cast of Chinnappadhaas - 1989 includes: Satyaraj
The cast of Pardhudu - 1989 includes: Sharada
The cast of Kalabhimani - 1989 includes: Balkrishna
The cast of Hellapoliisit - 1989 includes: Oiva Lohtander as (1989)
The cast of A hecc - 1989 includes: Rita Russek
The cast of Submitting - 1989 includes: Craig Schlattman
The cast of Aelan - 1989 includes: Kumija Kim
The cast of Deva - 1989 includes: Vishnuvardhan Balkrishna
The cast of Lifting - 1989 includes: Olivia Rigoli
The cast of Connections - 1989 includes: Scott Ingram
The cast of Scandal - 1989 includes: Philip Tibenham