Elesa is one of the hadest gym leaders to beat. I recommend trading to get a vanilite, and try catching a leipard. The emolga do massive damage against all the starter pokemon, so save them for zebstrika.
Relicanth can be found in the grass underwater..u need dive for this.
Reshiram is unavailable in Pokemon White. You need Black to get it.
i need a celebi on pokemon white how to get it
If you mean what types you need here they are. 1. Ghost or Dark for Shauntaul 2. Fighting or Bug for Grimsley 3. Bug, Ghost, or Dark for Caitlin 4. Flying or Psychic for Marshal
water or fire type on a high level (above his)
You need to beat the elite four before you can get Zekrom.
Relicanth can be found in the grass underwater..u need dive for this.
To transfer your Pokemon from diamond to white you first have to beat the game in Pokemon white. After that you have to go to the Pokemon transfer lab, go up the steps and speak to the scientist. Then you need another DS that has your Diamond Pokemon in it, go to DS download play on the main screen and you can choose six Pokemon to transfer from your storage. 1) You must have already beat the Pokemon White Game 2) You need 2 DS's 3)The Pokemon that you want to send to Pokemon White must be in your storage in the Pokemon center in Diamond.
you have to beat the Pokemon league then go to the Pokemon transfer lab at route 15 you need to go onto ds download play to transfer Pokemon from silver to white but you cannot transfer Pokemon to soul silver
You need to beat the elite four and then beat the Pokemon league champion
You'll have to transport it from a another game but you need to beat game to get transporter.
You dont need any specific pokemon to beat the pokemon league. Just train your pokemon so they are at least above level 50 and stock up on potions and revives. That should get you through the pokemon league. Hope this helps!!
level 100 i am shaqib and i beat heartgold, dimond, platinum, black, white, all of them actually .
using super effective Pokemon against his' Pokemon you'll need a super effective Pokemon against his starter but you don't need to win with super effective Pokemon just stock up on potions that's what I do.
if you want Sinnoh Pokemon in Pokemon White first of all you need to beat the the champion and enter the hall of fame then you need the national Dex after that you might be able to catch some of them but you can get most of them by going to the Pokemon transfer lab and transfering them over from you Pokemon diamond, pearl, and/or platinum BUT you can not get them back after that
It's almost as rare as finding a Shiny Pokemon in the wild. You need to almost beat every Pokemon encounter you see, but you don't need to do that. I'm just saying that's how rare it is.
On route 18, you need surf, this is also the location of one of the seven sages after you beat N.