a water stone can evolve a shellder into a cloyster a poliwhirl into a poliwrath a eevee in to a vaporeon(what I know SO far) ok
No you can only evolve poliwhirl to poliwrath with the waterstone. Poliwag will evolve at level 25
Poliwag doesn't evolve into Poliwrath. Poliwag evolves into Poliwhirl and than into Poliwarth with a Waterstone
piplup does not need a waterstone to evolve. it evolves by leveling it up.
U can evolve certain types of Pokemon with a stone. But not all the Pokemon will evolve with a stone. U can get a moonstone in Mt. moon and fire,leaf,thunder,and waterstone at Celadon City Mall.U can evolve certain types of Pokemon with a stone. But not all the Pokemon will evolve with a stone. U can get a moonstone in Mt. moon and fire,leaf,thunder,and waterstone at Celadon City Mall.
all i kno r vaporeon and poliwrath
Its evolve to Vaporeon from eevee
I know poliwhirl will evolve to poliwrath and that shelder will evole to cloyster with the waterstone
You Need A Waterstone.
Shellder, Staryu, Lombre, Evee.
Evvee Poliwhirl staryu Shelder Lombre
you use a water stone
You must evolve the Eevee you get from Celadon City with a Waterstone.
No you can only evolve poliwhirl to poliwrath with the waterstone. Poliwag will evolve at level 25
It Doesnt need to have a good level
You can evolve it with a waterstone.
well, the only one I know about is eevee, whitch a waterstone will turn it into vaporeon.
Yes the only way you can get a starmie is by usinga waterstone on a staryu.