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you can catch wabbafet 4000 bellsprout 3000 paris 700 veananot 700 sperow 0 oddish 0

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Q: What Pokemon can you catch on noisy forest?
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Where can you catch a hunter on Pokemon platinum?

In the forest.

Where to catch silcoon in Pokemon White?

You can catch Silcoon in White Forest.

How and where to catch a trap inch in Pokemon White?

You can only catch them in White Forest.

How do you catch murkrow?

eterna forest at night in Pokemon diamond

How do you get to the legendary Pokemon virizion?

you first have to catch/defeat the legendary pokemon cobalion in mistralion cave you catch virizion in pinwheel forest

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Where do you catch Hoppip in HeartGold?

You have to catch it on your pokewalker. I think the noisy forest route.

Where can you catch a hunter on Pokemon platinum?

In the forest.

Where do you catch magby in Pokemon White?

You can catch magby in the white forest

Where to catch silcoon in Pokemon White?

You can catch Silcoon in White Forest.

Where do you catch the legendary Pokemon Verizion in Pokemon black?

You can catch it in Pinwheel Forest. But you must first encounter Cobalion in Mistralton Cave to encounter it in Pinwheel Forest.

How and where to catch a trap inch in Pokemon White?

You can only catch them in White Forest.

Where can you catch a sewaddle in Pokemon Black?

Pinwheel Forest.

Where can you catch a nincada in Pokemon diamond?

It is in enterna forest.

How do you catch cycoon in Pokemon Diamond?

enterna forest

How do you catch a Kakuna in Pokemon Platinum?

Eterna forest

Where do you catch a Pikachu in Pokemon SoulSilver?

viridian forest

Where can you catch a Pikachu on Pokemon HeartGold?

viridian forest.