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I doubt that I can name all of them, but here goes... I dont know the levels btw



Kyogre-Sheer Cold

Lapras-Sheer Cold

Rhyhorn-Horn Drill

Seaking-Horn Drill



This is all I know to my knowledge. :D

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Q: What Pokemon can learn 1 hit kos?
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Which Pokemon is powerfull?

aggron its really good in defence it cant be hit 1 hit kos

What is the strongest ground move in Pokemon?

Fissure, if not counting 1 hit KOs its earthquake. Earthquake is my favourite, hitting digging pokemon.

Will Zapdos learn a one hit ko on soul silver?

Zapdos does not learn a 1-hit K.O. move leveling up in any Pokemon game.

What are all of the one hit kos on Pokemon FireRed?

I think there's two.. Fissure.. TM 50 i think.. and Horn drill.. horn drill can be learned by rhydon. The last 1 hit ko move is sheer cold

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No, Golduck is not capable of learning or knowing a 1-hit knocked out attack in Pokémon Sapphire.

How many kilometer in 1 kos?

1.8 km

What are the toughest Pokemon?

Arceus and Palkia are both very strong, learning many powerful moves and having good stats, and Garchomp is also a good, commonly seen Pokemon for extreamly powerful teams, although there are better Pokemon than Garchomp. Fully evolved Starter Pokemon like Blaziken and Empoleon are ideal, and Articuno is extreamly reliable when it has the moves Mind Reader and Sheer Cold for guarantee 1-Hit KOs.

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Fix This Yard - 2010 Kos and Nancy 1-7 was released on: USA: 8 May 2010

Is guillotine a good Pokemon move?

It's good on a team that has a variety of moves. As long as you aren't depending on 1-hit KO moves, then it could be a good addition to a team.

What level does Kecleon learn thief in Pokemon ruby?

lv 1

Where can you get TM that make a Pokemons sleep in Pokemon Platinum?

There is no TM you can get that makes Pokemon fall asleep, there is hypnosis, which u can not get as a TM, only certain Pokemon can learn it at a certain level, and there is dark void, and i believe only 1 Pokemon can learn that move and that's darkrai. theres also grasswhistle, obviously only grass Pokemon can learn it but that is also not a TM move. certain Pokemon randomly learn it.

What Pokemon is ranked number 1 in Pokemon marriland?

Arceus... it can learn any move and turn into any type.... strongest pokemon yet.