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You can buy sonic gems collection but the original game itself is an arcade game. it was never released as a game cause sega did not want to there idle to have a bad influence on kids.

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Q: What Game system is Sonic the Fighters for?
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What is the next Sonic the Fighters game?

There are no more Sonic the Fighters games.

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He is not in The Game

What was the first 3-D sonic game and when was it released?

Sonic The Fighters 1996

When was Sonic the Fighters created?

Sonic the Fighters was created in 1996.

How do you download sonic the fighters?

Sonic the fighters is not downloadable, most people say it's illegal, and for those of you saying that there is a sonic the fighters 2 and it's downloadable, then you are wrong. There is no sonic the fighters 2.

Sonic the fighters?

Long story but to make it short, Sonic the Fighters was an Arcade game that was also meant to be released for Sega Saturn. For reasons I don't know of, they never released it and it is very hard to find the arcade game now-a-days. You can play it on Sonic Gems Collection along with tons of other sonic games.

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Will they ever bring out sonic fighters 2?

No. Besides they never made sonic the fighters 2.

Who is honey the cat from sonic?

Not really to be honest because in the rom for pc sonic the fighters you could get her by hacking the game she was scrapd for unknown reasons

Can you be shadow in sonic the fighters?


Can you unlock metal sonic on sonic fighters?

yes please

How do you get super Sonic on Sonic the fighters?

Get a Perfect on all fight.