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Yes, Walt Disney was a registered Boy Scout, in Kansas City, in 1914/1915, before moving to Chicago, and he reached the rank of Tenderfoot.

Additionally. Mr Disney was a strong supporter of Scouting, not only in the USA but also across the world. A number of sketches and artwork was created with Scouting themes, the most famous, the Mickey Mouse Scout on the 1947 World Jamboree Newspaper. The artwork is stunning, and now the World Jamboree newspapers prints are quite rare and valuable.

The original artwork was used, with permission from Disney Corporation, in 2007 for the "Art of Scouting" Tour at Gilwell Park, London, in celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Scouting worldwide. The Art Tour was visited by over 50,000 scouts/visitors in 10 days that summer. The original 1947 painting is owned by the U.K. Scout Association, residing with the archives.

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