

Best Answer

NO she certainly was not in his will, he dispised so many things she did to him

that there was no way he would leave her anything.

Don't know where you got your information, but yes Priscilla was in Elvis's will. As a matter of fact she also was executor of his will after his father Vernon. People shouldn't post if they don't know what they are talking about. I am an Elvis fan, but it was Elvis that was not a good and faithful husband to Priscilla. Although she was his one true love, he is the one that messed it up. Priscilla is also the one that made his estate worth more than he was when he was alive. She opened Graceland for tours and marketed Elvis products. His estate was left to his daughter Lisa, and at his death was only worth about 5 million. Priscilla made her daughter a multi millionaire after Elvis's death when she took control of the estate on behalf of her daughter.

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