Gilderoy Lockhart was the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.
Professor Quirrell was the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher in Harry Potter's first year. He died at the end of the year after battling Harry for the philosopher's stone, which he was trying to steal for Lord Voldemort.Voldemort was sharing Quirrell's body. His head was visible on the back of Quirrell's, which is why he had taken to wearing a turban.
The school's Head Master
No. Harry does not run Hogwarts. McGongall serves as Head. Who took over after her is unknown.
Professor McGonagall takes the place of the Head of Hogwarts after the death of Dumbledore, however when Hogwarts is taken over by the Death Eaters, Severus Snape takes over as head and Minerva McGonagall resumes her old position as Deputy. *** Faerie0975: But then who is the deputy when Harry and Ginny's kids, and Ron and Hermione's kids, etc., go to Hogwarts??
albus percival wulfric brian dumbledore
She is a teacher at Hogwarts. The strict but passionate leader of Gryffindor, she is also the deputy head of Hogwarts and the Transfiguration teacher.
no he's just a teacher in the 2nd one nd then he is taken to hosptial cus of brain damage.
Professor Quirrell was the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher in Harry Potter's first year. He died at the end of the year after battling Harry for the philosopher's stone, which he was trying to steal for Lord Voldemort.Voldemort was sharing Quirrell's body. His head was visible on the back of Quirrell's, which is why he had taken to wearing a turban.
Professor Flitwick is the Head of Ravenclaw.
She doesn't get them from anywhere, apart from Gilderoy Lockhart (Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter 2), and Severus Snape. Gilderoy is said by her to be someone who she will not name, but takes credit for everything anyone ever does. Snape, he was an old and disliked teacher from her childhood, saying that she thinks bullying a child is the lowest and one of the cruelest things to do. Everything else, she says that it is just thought up. She doesn't even know where writing Potter came from, it just came into her head. It's not fantastic, I know, but I hope that's answered your question enough, 'cause that's all she ever tells public. And she also says that (almost) every rumour from the press about her is absolutely fake. :)
Rubeus Hagrid was in Gryffindor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Hagrid was in the Gryffindor house.
The school's Head Master
No. Harry does not run Hogwarts. McGongall serves as Head. Who took over after her is unknown.
The head master before Dumbledore was Armando Dippet.
Professor McGonagall takes the place of the Head of Hogwarts after the death of Dumbledore, however when Hogwarts is taken over by the Death Eaters, Severus Snape takes over as head and Minerva McGonagall resumes her old position as Deputy. *** Faerie0975: But then who is the deputy when Harry and Ginny's kids, and Ron and Hermione's kids, etc., go to Hogwarts??
no a head start teacher does not i know because my mom was a head start teacher!