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A mexican child named Junior moves from a rural mexican area in the USA to a middle-class suburban neighborhood. His father puts him into a Catholic school that is pretty much set on white American ways only. There is group of mexican children led by Chango, at first This group punks out Junior, mainly due to him being an anglicized push-over. Then one day Junior lays out Chango, after which the mexican boy gang called "Los Indios" bring him in. They love running around, and going to the the movies when certain flicks are showing the Mexicans as being the good guys and/or whooping Americans. One day they run across a blonde hair american boy named Denver, whom is also pretty shy. They chance him down, day in and day out. Junior finds out that Denver is his new neighbor, and the two mothers make them hang out. Once Chango and the gang find out that they are with each other in town, they confront Junior and Denver in a "What the hell is going on?" moment. Junior convinces Los Indios that Denver is an albino Indian from Oklahoma. After which Denver pays for the candy "The hard candy that last a long time," for the boys movie. They see a movie where the Mexicans or indians are the good guys. Denver (an all american boy) learns spanish can runs around with the mexican Los Indios.

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