all you have to do is buy 10 pokeballs and you will get a priemer ball enjoy :D
Its a TM.
you can only get timer balls on rustboro city pokemart on emerald
No only in aqua's hideout.
You can't get that in XD gale of darkness only in emerald.
Yes you can get 1dark ball in Emerald version. (You can't buy one, a person gives it to you) I caught a Rayquaza with it. Also go on and battle me if you dare. Username=Bergman17 Password=not telling password Pokemonteamon crater : LV 100 VENUSAR, LV 100 BLASTOISE, LV 100 KINGLER, LV 71 MAGMAR, LV52 PUPITARandLV 73 FLYGON P.S. Training Pupitar into Tyranitar, trying to find Shadow Lugia + Mewtwo +Mew. BYE-BYE AND REMEMBER TO BATTLE ME AND GET THAT DARK BALL.
you cant get a timer ball in emerald
have emerald clone Pokemon with a rare candy 999 times they catch 999 Pokemon that your already caught use repeat ball that it
a master ball!!!
I think you get it at the Poke mart in the town with DEVON corporation.
Repeat ball will be sold at a shop on island two after you beat the elite four
No one.
You can copy a master ball on Pokemon Emerald by having one of your friends that has one sign on to their ds and connect the two. Then they can give it to you in the Pokemon center.
Wild Pikachu have a small chance to be holding a light ball in Pokemon Emerald. You could try catching Pikachu until you get one.
capture legendary Pokemon like rayquaza.
With an ultra ball or master ball in sky tower. The name of it is Rayquaza :)
you dont.... anyone who you have seen who has a pokemon follow them is a hacker
you can use master ball in caught the groudon