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Hogwarts Subjects

Ancient Runes

An elective subject from third year onwards taught by Bathsheba Babbling. This is the study of translating runes into English or vice versa.


An elective subject from third year onwards taught by Septima* Vector. This is branch of magic that deals with the magical properties of numbers.


A core subject that must be taught the first five years of Hogwarts. Elective afterwards. Taught by Aurora* Sinistra. The study of the night sky.

Care of Magical Creatures.

An elective subject from third year onwards taught by Rubeus Hagrid. The study of magical animals.


A core subject that must be taught the first five years of Hogwarts. Elective afterwards. Taught by Filius Flitwick. Students are taught charms and how to cast them.

Defence Against the Dark Arts

A core subject that must be taught the first five years of Hogwarts. Elective afterwards. Taught by Quirinus Quirrel, Gilderoy Lockhart, Remus Lupin, Fake Alastor Moody i.e Barty Crouch Jr, Dolores Umbridge, Severus Snape and Amycus Carrow. Students are taught how to defend themselves against the dark arts. Carrow taught the dark arts instead of defending, Umbridge taught only theory and Lockhart only read from his books.


An elective subject from third year onwards taught by Sibyll Trelawney and Firenze. The study of the future.


A subject taught to first years perhaps only once taught by Rolanda* Hooch.


A core subject that must be taught the first five years of Hogwarts. Elective afterwards. Taught by Pomona Sprout. Study of plants.

History of Magic

A core subject that must be taught the first five years of Hogwarts. Elective afterwards. Taught by Cuthbert* Binns. Study of magical history.

Muggle Studies

An elective subject from third year onwards taught by Charity Burbage. The study of the muggle life.


A core subject that must be taught the first five years of Hogwarts. Elective afterwards. Taught by Severus Snape and Horace Slughorn. Students are taught how to brew potions.


A core subject that must be taught the first five years of Hogwarts. Elective afterwards. Taught by Minerva McGongall. Students are taught how to change one object into another.

* Name has not been confirmed

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9y ago
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14y ago

This is only a list of teachers while Harry was at school.

Ancient Runes - Bathsheba Babbling

Astronomy - Aurora Sinistra

Care of Magical Creatures (Years 1-2) - Silavnus Kettleburn

Care of Magical Creatures (Years 3-7) - Rebeus Hagrid

Caretaker - Argus Filch

Charms - Flilius Flitwick

Defense Against the Dark Arts (Year 1) - Quirenous Quirrell

Defense Against the Dark Arts (Year 2) - Gilderoy Lockhart

Defense Against the Dark Arts (Year 3) - Remus Lupin

Defense Against the Dark Arts (Year 4) - Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody (Later found to be Bartimeaus Crouch Jr.)

Defense Against the Dark Arts (Year 5) - Dolores Umbridge

Defense Against the Dark Arts (Year 6) - Severous Snape

Defense Against the Dark Arts (Year 7) - Amycus Carrow (Note: At this point, the class was simply "The Dark Arts")

Divinitation (Years 1-4) - Sibyll Trewlaney

Divinitation (Year 5) - Frienze

Divinitation (Years 6-7) - Sibyll Trewlaney and Frienze (Split between)

Flying - Madam Hooch

Headmaster - Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

Herbology - Pomona Sprout

History of Magic - Cuthbert Binns

Librarian - Irma Pince

Muggle Studies (Years 1-6) - Charity Burbage

Muggle Studies (Year 7) - Alecto Carrow

Nurse - Poppy Pomfrey

Potions (Years 1-5) - Severous Snape

Potions (Year 6-7) - Horace Slughorn

Transfiguration - Minerva McGonagall

Also just off the top of my head, here are a few of the teachers either after Harry or Just miscellaneus (substitutes)

Herbology - Neville Longbottom

Care of Magical Creatures (sub) - Wilhelmina Grubbly Plank

Care of Magical Creatures (retired) - Silvanus Kettleburn

Apparation - Wilkie Twycross

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12y ago

Professor McGonagall teaches transfiguration. Just as Dumbledore did when he was deputy head

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8y ago

Professor McGonagall teaches Transfiguration.

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16y ago


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13y ago

Hagrid taught Care of Magical Creatures.

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12y ago

cultivation of magic mushrooms

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14y ago


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Lvl 1
4y ago

stuff shes a teacher at hogwarts... what do you expect

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