I the code is:
That sould give you 99 rare candy in the pc.
NOTE: some cheats are the same in pokemon ruby and in pokemon ruby destiny like the rare candy.
Hope I helped ;D
I don't know the cheat code but there is cheat to copy pokemon on in Emerald. You can do up to five at a time but it's after you have beaten the leage. It basically going into that massive battle tower thing in battle fronteir somewhere above the pokecenter. Emtying your party and saving. You then Put the pokemon you want to copy in your party and start a challenge but turn GBA off befor it finishes saving.
here is the code for infinint rare candies ( it is a GameShark code )
check in PC slot 1
chaos black is the same thing as firered.... so type in Google or bing: "Pokemon FireRed gameshark codes"
hope this helps :D
Where you buy dildos you can get some rear candy ^u^
im tring to find out my self chaos black is for visual boy advance by the way
There is on Pokemon Chaos Black game. It is most likely a hack.
theres no such Pokemon their are just tricking you there is no such Pokemon and Pokemon chaos black is a fake
Chaos Black is a hacked version of Pokemon firered so u can use almost all the same codes you use for firered in chaos black idk if warp codes and encounter codes will work for it though.
Where you buy dildos you can get some rear candy ^u^
im tring to find out my self chaos black is for visual boy advance by the way
There is on Pokemon Chaos Black game. It is most likely a hack.
Pokemon Chaos Black is a FAKE Pokemon game!its not exacly (sorry about spelling) a game its a ROM hack of Pokemon Leaf Green or Pokemon Fire Red.There are no cheats for it.And heres a tip,DO NOT CHEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it takes the fun out of the game Trust me i did it before it wasn't fun :( so just enjoy the game.....or ROM hack.
ALMOST all of them, exept for some legendary pokemons, unles of coarse your using a gameshark, then all of them up until the end of the hoenn pokedex.
theres no such Pokemon their are just tricking you there is no such Pokemon and Pokemon chaos black is a fake
Pokemon Chaos Black is a bootlegged hack of Firered. If you see it being sold, do not buy it.
Chaos black is a fake game but it has the same propertys as fire red so you can use fire red gameshark codes
No, because Chaos Black is not a real game. It is a hack.