Hi this is how you do it, FIRST go to a shop THEN on the counter there should be a questionaire. NEXT click on the questionaire and you will be asked to enter 4 words. Put in the words LINK TOGETHER WITH ALL. NEXT click OK the shopkeeper will notice you and give you a mystery gift!!! Save the game and turn off the console. THEN switch it back on and on the starting menu it should appear under where the icon NEW GAME is. Hope this will help you KANE
you go to the Pokemon tower
You give it back & she will give you the magnet train pass.
Well, you have to go to the Copy cats house and talk to her. She tells you that she lost her doll, and you have to go find it in the Pokemon fan club. There is a chubby guy there and he will give the 'Lost item' to you, then you bring it back to her. She will give you the train pass as a reward. Then you can use the train!
The copycat gives you a pass, for the Magnet train (Saffron City to Goldenrod City).
Seven island is a place where you can train your strongest Pokemon you can only access it by showing the sailor who took you to the SS Anne the rainbow pass.
first you go see copycat in saffron city and then you go to see the man in the Pokemon fane club and then you go back to copycat and then you get the magnet train pass.
after you get the magnet train pass use the magnet train
Get on the magnet train and it will take you to Goldenrod city. You can back and forth between johto and kanto easily using the magnet train, but it's not essential.
go to magnet train manger and ask him to give you a train pass
in Saffron city. there is a house under the train staiton where the copycat girl lives. she'l tell u that she is messing her claifairy doll.
you go to the Pokemon tower
You need to have mewtwo to get it
you can ride the magnet train
You can use it to take the magnet train to kanto I think.
you need to get to kanto region and the middle town a house will be there go in she will be sad because she lost her doll and you have to find it and she gives you a pass to the magnet train.
learn whirlpool