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Epeon is one of the best Pokemon in the game, so use him. He levels up quick and learns good psychic attacks. Along with the Johto starter, you should get through the game. Also catch Heracross, he also has a good attack stat. also get Metagross and the epic power house, Tyranitar! purify all the shadow Pokemon and challenge mt battle with Espeon, Johto starter, Heracross, Metagross and Tyranitar ( i just used Espeon Heracross and Tyranitar) and when you beat the 100 th trainer you get ho oh. Train them all to level 100 and you have the best team in Colosseum. I have lvl 100 Espeon, lvl 100 Heracross, lvl 100 Tyranitar, lvl 100 Ho oh, lvl 57 Typhlosion ( training) and lvl 57 Metagross ( training) and they get me from a to b.

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Q: Pokemon Colosseum best team
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