Go to this website. There is a wonder mail generator. You can make any mission you want. you can choose the reward you want and you can even pick the Pokemon you want the client to be.
Link box and plenty of reviver seeds!
No but if you have action replay the code is 99999445454548878
if you want to fight giratina in Pokemon Mystery dungeon you have to beat darkrai,giratina is at the dungeon called World Abyss.there are 30F in world abyss,just bring lots of reviver seeds coz there are NO rest areas.^,^
if this where you coleced the scale frome the 3 lengdery bird the answer is 99 floors so bring a lot of reviver seed when get to the last floor lugia is wating for you The last answer is wrong, because the answer above is for Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Blue Rescue team and Red rescue team. The real answer for Pokemon mystery dungeon explorors of Darkness/Time/the sky is 49 floors plus the bottom.
first of all. you can get ALOT of reviver seeds in that dungeon. so go through the dungeon, then use a escape orb to get like 2 stacks of reviver seeds in just 10 mintutes. it is alot easier to defeat it by using grasswhistle and leech seed first. then using razor leaf spam.
Link box and plenty of reviver seeds!
Use water types and have reviver seeds with you
Yes, but I suggest going sentry duty, since every time you get a perfect score you get a reviver seed. By KirbyArmy- You can go to this website, and create your own wondermail passwords! Not jjust reviver seeds! http://www.upokecenter.com/games/dungeon2/guides/wondermail.php Have fun ^-^
my advice get lots of reviver seeds and teach ground moves to your starter Pokemon
The only way is to have a reviver seed
you find them in dungeons
No but if you have action replay the code is 99999445454548878
I would suggest lots of reviver seeds. Or level your Pokemon up a lot.
No, Wonder Mail can be used only to unlock missions.
if you want to fight giratina in Pokemon Mystery dungeon you have to beat darkrai,giratina is at the dungeon called World Abyss.there are 30F in world abyss,just bring lots of reviver seeds coz there are NO rest areas.^,^
25 X-Seed`s