Whoopi Goldberg was married to Alvin Martin. They had a daughter together. She is a biracial child. Her father is white.
Half white half Korean
Half black half white
Yes, he has a sister, step-brother, step-sister, half-brother, and a half-sister.
She is half black and half white.
She is half Austrian, and half Italian. So she is white.
Whoopi Goldberg is an American actress who has been married three times. As of September 1, 2014, Whoopi does not have a better half.
half love and half not love daughter ?
Although Whoopi Goldberg has a long list of former boyfriends and husbands it seems that she does not want her current significant others name to be made public. She refers to "my partner" or "my significant other" or "my better half" on The View but there seems to be no record anywhere of who that person might be. I heard Elizabeth Hassalback refer to a "Tommy" the other day on the "View". She said she called Whoopi to see if she was feeling better, and to make sure she didn't have the Swine Flu, and "Tommy" said everything was ok and she was feeling better. Whoopie then made it known that Tommy is her business partner, not her "old man" as she usually refers to her mystery man.
91.16% of the daughter product has formed after 3.5 half lives.
Half White, Half Black. His mother is white, and his father is black.
Half white half Korean
A half-white and half-black child is called a Multiracial.
No, she had one daughter who is half-human, half-vampire.
Half White Half Black!
Half white and half hispanic, but who cares about race anyway.