this is gameshark. (M)must be on 386ba876fd82 Shiny code 386f85903a39 7504ad858cb9
The Gameshark code to contract PKRS on Pokemon fire red ROM can be obtained once you purchase a premium account.
Hi. (M) 928817f0298a 50f818720d07 8ab185c4502e Shiny 5ddf4406391d 838eed7c52c0 718812fe9ded (Why dose all codes have DED in them?!?) 68755a0bcc17 88bbc0a65c0f a90cf2eb8d85 ea0446c4e6e3 Hope this helpd.:)
Here is the walk through walls cheat for Pokemon perla M] Must Be On 97765FE66BB8 67454B997BF0 6770DB98FA7A WalkThrough Walls Code E03b0649 5d67050c 78da95df 44018cb4
this is gameshark. (M)must be on 386ba876fd82 Shiny code 386f85903a39 7504ad858cb9
Next time you need a gameshark code, just go to here it is anyway,[M] Must Be On928817F0298A50F818720DD78AB185C4502EShiny Wild PKMN5DDF4406391D838EED7C52C0718812FE9DED68755A0BCC1788BBC0A65C0FA903F2EB8D85EA0446C4E6E3
[M] Must Be On928817F0298A50F818720DD78AB185C4502EShiny Wild PKMN5DDF4406391D838EED7C52C0718812FE9DED68755A0BCC1788BBC0A65C0FA903F2EB8D85EA0446C4E6E3This cheat will only generate female Pokemon with the Hardy personality.
The Gameshark code to contract PKRS on Pokemon fire red ROM can be obtained once you purchase a premium account.
GameShark SP, probably for Pokemon FireRed/LeafGreen
shiny Pokemon game shark code for Pokemon fire red
There isn't, but there is in Pokemon fire red Add
Here is the action replay code for a shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Fire Red. 39584B19 D80CC66A, CE71B3D3 1F6A85FB, 198DF179 5413C867, 73ECB8A0 BDD8B251, D5AFFB37 6855972C, 73ECB8A0 BDD8B251. This code has been tested and verified.
The gameshark code is 509197D3 542975F4 78DA95DF 44018CB4. You do not need a master code
heres the code:16f74220d33d 83da230fda27 1fda24a1906a