Daisy Duck. His first girlfriend was Donna Duck
That would be Daisy Duck
= = = = = Donna Ludwig is still alive. She married, her married name is Fox. She has been know to attend the winter party host by Ritchie's Family in Ca. You can find out more by going to RitchieValens.com You can also find Donna on myspace at myspace.com/donnaludwigfox. Hope that helps. =
Donna Roth's birth name is Donna Arkoff.
Donna Gephart
Ritchie Valens died on February 3d, 1959, at the age of 17. He was never married.
Ritchie Valens was not married but almost was to his only girlfriend Donna he also made a song dedicated to her.
Probably not. They are not listed in reference sources: http://www.answers.com/topic/ritchie-valens He died at age 17, unmarried but he had a girlfriend called Donna. See related links for Donna's memores.
Probably not. They are not listed in reference sources: http://www.answers.com/topic/ritchie-valens He died at age 17, unmarried but he had a girlfriend called Donna. See related links for Donna's memores.
ritchie played his guitar nd had fun with Donna (his gf)
10CC You may be thinking of Richie Valens big hit Donna. , which peaked at number two in late 1958.
Donna Ludwig (married name Donna Fox), Valens's girlfriend, is today still recognized as "Ritchie's Donna." Her personalized license plate reads RIPRV.Donna Ludwig is now Donna Fox. She is a Branch Manager for a mortgage company in the Sacramento area of California. She is well liked and respected in the area and remains active with events having to do with her past boyfriend Ritchie Valens.Below is a link to her home page for her mortgage company.She is the one in the middle.
"Oh Donna" was written in 1958 by Ritchie Valens. It was released as a single in 1959 and became one of his most popular songs.
Richie Valens also wrote the song Paul Anka had a major hit with his song, Diana, written for his babysitter! MP
"Donna" was sung by Richie Valens in 1958
Originally known as Donna Ludwig, she is now known as Donna Fox. Her license plate says RIPRV as a tribute to Ritchie. For more information please click on the related link. It is also reported she has a license plate that says ODONNA