

Best Answer

yes there is cure for head lice its normal to get head lice so the best cure is to put gas oil on the hair and then brush it good in the shower and its the best cure because the gas will kill all the nits and the eggs

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Q: Is there a cure for lice?
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tobacco juice for head lice

Is there a cure for head lice?

Yes,go to the doctor and let them look in your head.

Can african-americans get head lice?

Anyone with hair on their head can get head lice. Bald people can't get head lice, so for a long time the cure was to shave your head. But now you can buy special shampoo that kills lice.

Why does lice lay eggs on people?

Lice lay eggs, known as nits, on people because the warmth and proximity to a blood supply found on the scalp provide them with an ideal environment for their survival and development. Laying eggs on the hair close to the scalp ensures that the newly hatched lice have immediate access to blood for feeding and further reproduction.

How long can you have pubic lice without knowing?

About half of patients with pubic lice don't know they have it. It's not clear how long you can be infested without knowing.

What is the term meaning an infestation of body lice is?

Pediculosis this is an infestation of lice whether it be body lice, pubic lice or head lice.

What can lice be mistaken as?

Lice Eggs and Lice Nits are usually mistaken as Dandruff and Dandruff is usually mistaken as Lice Eggs and Lice Nits

Can dogs get nits?

no dogs can not get lice they can only get a different lice which is dog lice not head lice which humans get so basically no dogs can NOT get nits (lice)

Do you say Lice is or lice are?

"Louse" is the singular form; the plural is "lice".

Can dogs get lice?

Yes, dogs can get lice but , lice is more human related.

Is people lice the same as swine lice?

No swine lice is species specific

How do you prevent head lice?

Buy lice shampoo that helps and prevents lice.