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Netball is considered non contact - however it was recently rated the third highest contact sport. This is because as the player is penalised when pulled up for contacting, the contact is made more aggressive (the logic is "if you're going to do it you might as well do it properly").

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Q: Is netball a contact sport
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What is a more dangerous sport netball or football?

probably football because netball is a non contact sport

Why was netball developed?

before netball was invented the girls didn't have a sport that didn't involve contact and alot f running.

Is netball better then rugby?

yes Better at what? Netball is not better than Rugby. If you don't know what netball is, all you need to know is that netball is a non-contact sport. Rugby is anything but non-contact. Also netball is played almost exclusivly by women. Which is fine for a sport to be, but it surely doesn't give it the edge over a sport enjoyed by both men and women. I have no idea how something can be better "then" anything else.

What qualifications do netballers need?

Netball is a non-contact sport similar to basketball. It is usually known as a women's sport.

Was netball an accident?

no its a sport

Why is netball not on the sport news?

it's a stuid a-- sport

Is netball in the London games 2012?

nope netball is not classified an Olympic sport

Is Netball a competitive sport?

Netball is not seen as a real sport because it is based on another sport, its brother basketball. Netball originated from basketball not that long a time ago, which is another reason why people don't regard netball as a sport. However, that way of thinking may change very soon when netball becomes more popular. Also, netball is a sport played only by girls which restricts the popularity. If netball was played by boys than it may become part of the Olympics.

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