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yes dmx is still alive although i dont know bout him rapping havent heard nothing from him in a while but i heard he is in jail for something in Arizona

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Q: Is dmx still alive and rapping?
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Is dmx still alive?

of corse he is alive you idiots otherwise it would have of said so on his biographys and on MTV news think before you ask stupid questions like dat man

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Yes he is still rapping. Download his music on itunes.

Is dmx dead?

DMX is alive; now it all depends on which DMX you are referring to; Davy dmx, DMX the original human beat box whom battled dougie fresh; he was JUST-ICE's human beat box; meaning he made beats with his mouth and this talent was displayed on one of his many albums called "put that record back on". (C) JUST-ICE, DMX, MANTRONIX. I was directed to the recent DMX (originally dark man X); the one whom rapped "Get at Me Dog" (C) DMX For example I was redirected after reading an article on Just-Ice and clicking on the underlined name DMX; it was not the one I was searching for. The original human beat box (Just-Ice's DMX) is alive and well; somewhere in the East cooking up a storm since he is also a chef. Last I heard in the year 2000 he was still making music; don't know in collaboration with whom.

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emineem because he sold 1.7 million albums in its first week and made rapping history

Who is the best rapper alive and died?

Ice Cube & DMX the best alive!!! 2pac & Mac Dre are the best rappers who died!!!

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Proof is dead another guy is dead shade and some guy is still alive and rapping :) em is now in a group called bad meets evil

Can you find a video of a big woman rapping on a roof..?

I cant find it, I saw it in a tupac/biggie parody.. where they say that they are alive as women then it cut to the woman rapping...

Did eminem quit raping?

if you meant he still raps

How did dmx die?

DMX is not dead.

Is nwa still rapping?

No. Easy E died of AIDs in the mid 90s. Dr. Dre is a producer and still rapping but he released his last Album. Ice Cube makes family movies and MC Ren still raps.