Yes it is! I always like to choose Piplup for a starter pokemon.
Hope I helped. Of course it is better than chimchar,turtig,torchic,mudkip,treeco,squirtle,bulbasaur,charmander,chicorita,totodile,cindaquil and larvitar. it is the best of all starters
Turtwig (grass) Chimchar (fire) Piplup (water)
chimchar - fire turtwig - grass piplup - water
still the same Pokemon as d/p chimchar, piplup, and turtwig
you can't, Turtwig is a starter Pokemon
Well, Chimchar is good fro starters in Pokemon, so it would be the best. Next, Turtwig is the medium for okay Pokemon trainers. Piplup is for challenged Pokemon trainers who are well experienced.
Piplup is a starter Pokemon in Pokemon Pearl. you can get him early in the game as your starter Pokemon.
Piplup is a starter Pokemon if you didn't choose it have a friend trade you it.
Choose it as your Starter Pokemon.
Chimchar, piplup, and turtwig.
piplup is the best starter pokermon piplup is the best starter pokermon --------------------------- I chosed Turtwig grass type
Turtwig (grass) Chimchar (fire) Piplup (water)
Piplup is a Pokemon. Piplup is the Penguin Pokemon. Piplup evolve into Prinplup which evolves into Empoleon. Piplup is one of the three starter Pokemon for the Sinnoh Region. Piplup is number 393 in the National Pokedex and Number 007 in the Sinnoh Pokedex.
The starter pokemon for Diamond and Pearl are Turtwig, Piplup, and Chimchar.
they are chimchar, piplup and turtwig