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Q: Is Laura Linney and Laura dern the same person?
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Who was demonated the same year as her daughter for an Oscar?

Both Diane Ladd and her daughter Laura Dern received Oscar nominations for their performances in the 1991 film "Rambling Rose." Dern was nominated for Best Actress; Ladd for Best Supporting Actress.

Who was nominated for an Oscar in the same year that her daughter received a nomination?

Both Diane Ladd and her daughter Laura Dern received Oscar nominations for their performances in the 1991 film "Rambling Rose." Dern was nominated for Best Actress; Ladd for Best Supporting Actress.

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How do you spell Laura in French?

In French, "Laura" is spelled the same way as in English.

How do you say Laura in Hebrew?

The Hebrew name Dafna (דפנה) has the same meaning as the name Laura.

How do you write the name Laura in norwegian script?

The name Laura in Norwegian script would be written as "Laua."

Who wouldn't say dern the fog in the adventures of huckleberry Finn?

The character, Jim, wouldn't say "dern the fog" in "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn." Jim is depicted as a superstitious and cautious character who often relies on his instincts and beliefs, rather than cursing or expressing frustration in the same way Huck might.

What was Laura?

Laura achieved approximately the same level of education as a typical highs school senior has today.

What is the Spanish translation of Laura?

Laura is spelt the same but pronounced differently.Lau- like loud without the d- ra

How do you spell Laura in German?

The same way you do in English.

What does the name Laura mean in Latin?

A number of hermitages or cells in the same neighborhood occupied by anchorites who were under the same superior.

What does the name Laura mean in French?

It means Laura. Laura is an English name o too.