Yes, he was married to Lothiriel, daughter of Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth, while he stayed in Gondor two or three years after the book ended. He later died in the year 63 of the Fourth Age of Tolkien's Calendar, after having a son, Elfwine the Fair.
27/28. (It's impossible to tell as the date of Eomer's birthday is unknown.)
Your question is a little unclear... but maybe fanfiction . com? That's the only place I can think of.
Hasufel was a horse of the Rohirrim, ridden by Garulf of Rohan. After Garulf's death, Hasufel was loaned to Aragorn by Eomer in recompense for the accidental and only apparent slaying of Merry and Pippin by Eomer's riders. Aragorn rode Hasufel to find the hobbits taken by the orcs, and to Helm's Deep. There, Hasufel was returned to Eomer. From there, he was probably ridden to the battle in defense of Minas Tirith with the forces of Theoden.
No, Éomer does not die during the narrative of The Lord of the Rings. In the Appendices we are told he lived a (for his people) long life, dying in his nineties.
Harry and Ginny get married, Ron and Hermione get married, Molly and Arthur weasley are married, Lupin and Tonks get married, Lily and JAmes potter were married. Fleur and Bill get married. George weasley and Angelina Johnson get married.
27/28. (It's impossible to tell as the date of Eomer's birthday is unknown.)
Eomer's heir to the kingdom of Rohan was Elfwine the Fair, his son with Lothiriel, Princess of Dol Amroth.
Eomer would capture Gollum and make him his prisoner and release him but warn him not to make any treacherous plans
Your question is a little unclear... but maybe fanfiction . com? That's the only place I can think of.
Hasufel was a horse of the Rohirrim, ridden by Garulf of Rohan. After Garulf's death, Hasufel was loaned to Aragorn by Eomer in recompense for the accidental and only apparent slaying of Merry and Pippin by Eomer's riders. Aragorn rode Hasufel to find the hobbits taken by the orcs, and to Helm's Deep. There, Hasufel was returned to Eomer. From there, he was probably ridden to the battle in defense of Minas Tirith with the forces of Theoden.
Eomer and other riders of the Rohirrim (Rohan) .
eagle, eager, egret, event, enter, evils, Eowyn, Eomer, exists.
Older, though the exact number of years is not given in the book.In Appendix A of The Lord of the Rings, in the section titled "The House of Eorl: The Third Line," we learn this:"Thus it came about that he [Eomund, father of Eomer and Eowyn, and husband of Theodwyn, Theoden's sister] was slain in 3002; for he pursued a small band to the borders of the Emyn Muil, and was there surprised by a strong force that lay in wait in the rocks.Not long after, Theodwyn took sick and died to the great grief of the king....He [Theoden] had only one child of his own, Theodred his son, then twenty-four years old; for the queen Elfhild had died in childbirth, and Theoden did not wed again."Earlier in this passage, we learn that Eomer was born in 2991 T.A., or about eleven years before Theodwyn's death, depending on how long "shortly after is." As Theodred was twenty-four in 3002-3, and Eomer was eleven to twelve years old, the conclusion is reached that Theodred was about 11-12 years older than Eomer.
Theoden is the King of Rohan for a period of time before he is killed and his sister-son Eomer becomes King aftersaid.
Frodo Sam Merry Pippin Gandalf Aragon Gimli Legolas Boromir Eowyn Eomer Faramir and Erkenbrand
eagle eager egret event enter evils Eowyn, Eomer (proper nouns, from Lord of the Rings) ... and others
No, there is not. This is a long shot, but you might be confusing Karl Urban who plays Eomer (in the Peter Jackson movies) with Keith Urban who is not in those movies.