At the end of Pirate of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest Captain Jack is eaten by the Kracken and is then trapped inside Davy Jones locker in the 3rd installment. So yes, Captain Jack is dead at the end of the second movie but he is brought back into the realm of the living in the next movie.
He played Captain Jack Sparrow's father who was Captain Teague.
In Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, the quest in the movie is about finding Captain Jack Sparrow. Jack Sparrow is found to be trapped At World's End. World's end is where souls go to be tormented. It is a sort of 'purgatory' for souls.
Depp's character for all of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies is Captain Jack Sparrow. I believe in the first P1 (Curse of the Black Pearl) he was refered to as Mad Jack Sparrow, and was annoyed if others did not preceed his name with 'Captain'.
I have seen each Pirates of the Caribbean movie at least 8 times and I can promise you that Bill Turner never had the chance to free Captain Jack from jail. I don't know what you are talking about.
Sam Claflin plays the Missionary name Philip Swift in Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides.
Johnny Depp(:
Captain Jack Sparrow!
Keith Richards
A Compass
In Davey Jones locker
captain jack sparrow, will turner, elizabeth turner, captain barbosa
He played Captain Jack Sparrow's father who was Captain Teague.
In Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, the quest in the movie is about finding Captain Jack Sparrow. Jack Sparrow is found to be trapped At World's End. World's end is where souls go to be tormented. It is a sort of 'purgatory' for souls.
Johny Depp played the role of jack sparrow in the pirates of the caribbean.
The MAIN character is Captain Jack Sparrow, who is played by Johnny Depp
my awsome cousin