Andrew Garfield was born on August 20, 1983
Andrew Garfield
Andrew Garfield
No- he lost getting the role to Andrew Garfield.
No, he is played by Andrew Garfield.
Andrew Garfield is a/an Actor
Andrew Garfield was born on August 20, 1983
Andrew Garfield
Andrew Garfield was born on August 20, 1983.
Andrew Garfield's middle name is Russell.
Andrew Garfield was born on August 20, 1983
Andrew Garfield's middle name is Russell.
No , Andrew Garfield does not have a sister and in fact has only one sibling, Ben Garfield
Andrew Garfield has one older brother, and no sisters.
Andrew Garfield is from Canada.
he he will because in the game he sounds like andrew garfield
No, he is not.