If 447 is the prefix, then you are calling a mobile phone in the UK. 44 is the UK international dialling code, while 7 is the first significant digit after the '0' trunk code. For instance, the number (+44) 07xyz abcdef would be dialled 447xyzabcdef.
There is no such number in the UK.
Relicanth is #369 in the national pokedex, and it is a Water-Rock type Pokemon.
The name's Anabel.
Her number is 8177178469
Simon of Bet-Titta died in 447.
+447 is the beginning of a mobile (cell) phone number registered in the UK.
44 us the country code for the UK. The digit 7 indicates a mobile number.
The number 447 is an international dialing code for the United Kingdom. The following digits (024-6923) do not correspond to a specific geographical location within the UK as they are typically part of a mobile phone number.
None. That is the first few digits of a UK mobile (cell) phone number.
447 is not a prime number. Other than 1 and itself, the positive integer factors of 447 are 3 and 149.
+44 is the international dialling code for the UK. (0)7526 is not a geographical area code, it is a mobile (cell) number.
The number 447 is "four hundred forty-seven."
This is not a UK area code and in any case, there is a digit missing from the number. If you have been phoning the UK from another country, the 44 part of the number that you have quoted is the international dialling code to phone the UK from another country. The 7 denotes that the number is a mobile (cell) number.
Nope - it's a UK mobile (cell) phone number. All UK registered mobile (cell) phones start with 07. When you dial into the UK from abroad - you drop the initial zero. The actual phone could be anywhere within the UK.
447 = 547 - 100
Could be anywhere in the UK - the 44 means it's a UK number. Codes starting 7028 are codes for mobiles, pagers or personal numbering, so don't denote a specific area.