fallarbor town does not have a Pokemon gym but lavridge town does and the gym leader there is flannery of the fire type hope it helped for more info visit www.serebii.net
There is a long way around the desert.
you can go to a move relearner for pokemon emerald it is in fallarbor town i dont know where it is in the other games
there is a pokemart in fallarbor town. go in there and talk to the ladie in the green dress. BUT! get a snubbull first
Chimney*, and refer to your pokenav for these sort of problems. Its Above lavaridge town, or just go right from Fallarbor town.
Seviper can be found in Route 114, which is south-west of Fallarbor Town. It is not accessible in Poke'mon Ruby, by the way.
It doesn't exist
In Fallarbor Town, which it located between routes 113 and 114.
He's at Fallarbor Town
Go to Fallarbor town, then walk left it is the last house on the left.
The sixth gym isn't in Fallarbor town it is in Lavaridge town. You have to talk to Lanette in Fallarbor's Pokemon center and then visit her in her house in route 114. Then the cable car next to the fiery path will not be blocked by Magma grunts. Go on the cable car and south down the hill for Lavaridge town.
meteor falls
There is a long way around the desert.
Prof cozmo in fallarbor town will take the meteorite he gives you a TM.
He's in Fallarbor Town, use a heart scale to teach your Pokemon moves
it is on rout 114 in fallarbor town near lannetes hous :3
You can get TM28 (Dig) from the Fossil Maniac. That is in the house west of Fallarbor Town.
you can go to a move relearner for pokemon emerald it is in fallarbor town i dont know where it is in the other games