a nostradumus prediction says a bird would crash into a structure.. oddly enough it may be a 9/11 reference.
phineas and ferb is a children's TV show and are made up characters. so really they do not have a religion. the creators just really want to focus making sure that phineas and ferb episodes are good. so i guess you can make phineas and ferb whatever religion you want :)
Vanessa Doofenshmirtz on the show Phineas and Ferb is voice acted by Olivia Olson.
Type it up on youtube and you will find it. You can also go to IMDB and it will show an episode list of Phineas and Ferb if you type in Phineas and Ferb at the search thing at IMDB. The episode is It's About Time.
There Father's Name Is Lawrence.
All!!!!! Are you insane that's the name of the show it is about there summer!!!!
The answer is Phineas; from the television show Phineas and Ferb.
There is no one named Natalie on the Phineas and Ferb show.
Stacey Hirano in the show Phineas and Ferb is voice acted by Kelly Hu.
Yes. Phineas & Ferb ended its run in June 2015.
it is a character on Phineas and Ferb the show :)
Ferb's dad is on the show and Phineas' dad was never mentioned on the show so we don't know what happened to him.
Phineas and Ferb are fictional characters from the animated television show "Phineas and Ferb," which is set in the fictional town of Danville, in the Tri-State Area. The specific state where Danville is located is never explicitly mentioned in the show.
It's the pairing of Ferb and Isabella on the show Phineas and Ferb
Phineas is played by Vincent Martella.
its the paring of Phineas and Isabella in the tv show Phineas and ferb
you can see the extended music videos for phineas and ferb songs on phineas and ferb's musical cliptastic countdown or you could find them on itunes.