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Orlando Bloom made $5 Million for the First Pirates $12 Million for the Second Pirates and $17 Millionfor the third Pirates, i got these answers from this website tells you all about celebrities net worth, how much they are making and how much movies cost

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Q: How much money did Orlando Bloom make from Pirates?
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How old was Orlando Bloom on The Pirates of the Caribbean?

Orlando Bloom was born on January 13, 1977

Will Orlando Bloom be in the next Pirates of the Caribbean movie?

Yes,If you check the Disney Website it says it comes out the summer of 2011. If you want to check it yourself to make sure type in I could help!

Is Will Turner going to be in the fifth 'Pirates of the Caribbean' film?

No, if they do make a fifth film he won't be in it. Orlando Bloom has stated he is finished with it, his storyline is complete. The fourth, fifth and possible sixth film is to be a second trilogy in the series.

Why is Orlando Bloom a Buddhist?

Orlando Bloom became a Buddhist because he thinks it brings inner peace to his chaotic life and its calmig influence is what brought him to be a Buddhist. Orlando's friend had also spoken to him about Buddhist philosophies and Orlando had thought that it was a good way of life to take especially in a world like this

Why do pirates hijack ships?

Whether you are talking about POTC pirates or modern day pirates the answer is to get money and other various goods.

Are the actors of Pirates of the Caribbean up for another movie?

Johnny Depp has signed on to make POTC 4. Keira Knightly and Orlando Bloom will not be in POTC 4. Geoffery Rush has said he would like to be in POTC 4. Russel Brand will also be in POTC 4. The movie will come out in 2012.

How do pirates make money?

They steal it from merchant ships and capture people

Do Elizabeth and Will have a son in Pirates of the Caribbean?

I heard that they wanted them to be in the movie... but the actors didn't want to do any more of the films. They film for a very long time (i think the last one was like 2 yrs) to make those films, and the actors wanted to move on to something else.

Will there be a Pirates of the Caribbean 4 and 5?

It is confirmed that Pirates of the Caribbean 4: On Stranger Tides will be released as of summer 2011. Johnny Depp (Jack Sparrow) and Geoffrey Rush (Hector Barbossa) return looking for the Fountain of Youth. They also have competition from the infamous Captain Blackbeard. It is also confirmed that Orlando Bloom (Will Turner) and Keira Knightly (Elizabeth Turner) will not air in this film. As for Pirates of the Caribbean 5... if they make another one, then it's officially overkill. Although I liked Pirates of the Caribbean 2 and 3, they ruined the original. They could have ended it right then and there. It was a classic. They are running out of ideas. That's my opinion.

How do you make money on puzzle pirates?

the best way is to go on lots of pillys and not to spend any

How do you make wisteria bloom?

It will bloom after maturing for 7 years.