Shows how much you have done in your adventure.
I believe only preorders come with the promo, as I've seen no card mentioned when I was in Asda looking at DVDs. As for the answer, it's a Promo Celebi, I haven't checked out mine so I can't give much more information.
A promo card is a card that is given away as a promotion with something eg: Video Games Shonen Jump Magazine, Graphic Novels etc. Good examples of promo cards are: Dark Bribe, Harpie's feather Duster, Red eyes Wyvern, Sinister Serpant, Magician's Valkria, Victory Dragon and Destiny hero Disk commander
Depending on which promo mew, the highest price range is from $80-140.
like 30$! wow that is a lot of money for one card.
max $30
nothing. its a promo!
$14.99 bucks in target
297$ if your lucky but otherwise only 190$
The card will have a star on the side that says promo in it
probably like $5
On the card
Shows how much you have done in your adventure.
well........ if you look at he card and you look at the edges. if the edges are in good shape the card could be worth 80 to $100.
No, if the card is a promo it means that if you want to spend money on a pack of cards and it is on the pask, you can get it. One more time to answer your question:NO