Russell Edward Brand
Russell Brand's zodiac is Gemini.
Russell Brand goes by Russ.
No he is not. Russell Brand's father is Ronald Henry Brand, a photographer.
The duration of Russell Brand's Ponderland is 1800.0 seconds.
Russell Brand is from Essex, England.
Russell Brand's birth name is Russell Edward Brand.
Russell Brand was born in 1975 and Katy Perry was born 1984 so Russell is nine years older than Katy
Katy perry is 26 and Russell is 35 sooo 9 years older(Russell brand is 9 yrs older)
No, Russell Brand is not in Slipknot.
Russell Edward Brand
Russell Edward Brand
Russell Brand's zodiac is Gemini.
Russell Brand was born on June 4, 1975
Russell Brand has 2 children
Russell Brand is Russell Brand.
Russell Brand has 2 children