Its free if you do the glitch right. YOU beat the elite for 4 times in a row withought losing all your Pokemon. Then you goto the poke center with a pikachu in your 1st slot. goto the trading room. when u r in the trading room click on your pi9ckachu and scroll all the way down. then press A 7 times. then another option will appear and it willl say do you want to evolve you click yes. and bam your got a shadow pikachu. but it automaticcally goes back to lvl 1.
Please restate the question.
A Pikachu evolves from a Pichu.
To breed Pikachu you need to leave a male Pikachu and a female Pikachu (or a Ditto and a Pikachu) at a daycare. If you wait a while, the female will be holding an egg.
He doesn't. It is just Jessie, James and Meowth who think he wants it (they are morons after all), but he doesn't have any particular interest in this Pikachu. Giovanni only wishes for the strongest Pokémon and Ash's Pikachu is not in this list.
only pikachu
Pikachu weighs 13.2 pounds
The Shadow Pikachu card has 999 HP.
Pikachu, it's obvious, if you ask someone who doesn't know much about pokemon, they always say pikachu. try it!
Pikachu is much stronger. Rattata is one of the weaker Pokemon in the game. Pikachu, on the other hand, is one of the better Pokemon in the game. Pikachu will also learn better moves.
Pikachu is much more famous than Ben 10
its really your opinion i happen to think pikachu is more popular because everyone knows pikachu not much as of "gordon"
episode 520 throwing the track switch when pikachu and ash ate to much
Pikachu is much more popular in my opinion
the most ive seen for one is about 20 bucks
Ash will probably never evolve the trademark Pikachu. However, in some cases, there are been a close call with Pikachu evolving. For example, one time in Sinnoh, Ash obtained a thunderstone while Pikachu one injured during a battle. Even though when Pikachu was in the hosptal with the thunderstone, Pikachu didn't wanna evolve. So, its pretty much unlikely Pikachu will evolve. Hope this helps! :)
Well, I would have to say Pikachu is more popular. If you were to ask a Japanese person who Micheal Jordon was they wouldn't know who on Earth he was. But ask any kid about Pikachu, and you'll get a positive response.