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Well He could squat 405 for 10 or 12 reps in his prime. However having seen videos and pics of him squating it appears he does not break parallel on his squats. Leg press is a much easier exercise than the squat though seeign as you are not lifting but rather pushing a weight at a 45 degree angle. Perhaps he could leg press 2000lb for a rep max? Just a guess

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Q: How much does Arnold Schwarzenegger leg press?
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What problems did Arnold Schwarzenegger face by using steroids?

His testicles grew so big that they had to cut them off because he couldn't walk, close his legs, or sleep sideways for the reason that he was producing ten times more sperms. They also had to cut a piece of his dick off because it got too long and heavy, which gave him high discomfort while walking, running, doing leg extensions, hamstring curls, so on and so forth. Arnold had a very hard time at work because he would always get massive and uncontrolled erections for no reason making his surrounding work partners feel very uncomfortable due to his huge vascularity and because of his massive boners. Arnold, nowadays, produces so much sperm, that the excess of of it that doesn't fit in his nutsack leeks out of his penis which might be a cause of his uncontrolled erections. Arnold had six penis surgeries due to severe ejaculations causing the tip of his dick to blow up. Doctors recommended him not to masturbat anymore, but his uncontrolled dreams make him extremely horny. Arnold attempted suicide several times by combining viagra, cialis and maxocum500%. This attempted cause his nutsack to explode and his dick to rupture due to the overproduction of sperm causing high pressure. I hope this helps.

How can you fake a broken leg?

either put a cast on or actually break your leg

When did Peg Leg Sam die?

Peg Leg Sam died in 1977.

When did Peg Leg Howell die?

Peg Leg Howell died in 1966.

Why does Foghorn Leghorn talk so much?

The name says it all: Fog Horn Leg Horn Loud, obnoxious and never shuts up.

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Are there inherent DANGERS in leg press?

To much force applied to the leg press has been known to flatten legs.

How much does an nfl player leg press?

1200 lbs

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Benedict Arnold was wounded with a bullet in his legs.

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Arnold Schwarzengger

Where did Benedict Arnold get wounded at in the battle for quebec?

The leg

What happened to Benedict Arnold leg?

It got shot

How do you do leg presses?

You press your leg up

What happen to Arnold's leg?

he kept it until the day he died.

How much weight can the human legs hold?

Probably a lot of weight. I can leg press 175kgs with ease.

How much could Earl Campbell leg press?

he benched 300 in college but in pros he benched 375

Are there benefits using a leg press machine?

Using a leg press machine is great exercise. There are many benefits to using the leg press machine such as increased muscle tone, decreased fat, and just general toning.