WHY??? WHY WOOD U WANNA NO? ITS rude to find out how. just go to Google and type in this supid quetion.
Josh Peck, best known for the Nickelodeon series Drake & Josh, lost weight by dieting and using a personal trainer. He continues to watch what he eats and work out to keep the weight off.
Not to be exact but like in the movie "Merry Christmas, Drake and Josh" where you can only see his shoulders. But I wouldn't take the risk since he will still have alot of fat on him when he lost the weight
365 poundsodshciohsfihodihsdoihfhhs;/li ;sodihvoidfh like a boss yolooo
She was 4"11 and weighed about 110 pounds while filming though she used to weigh 155 pounds
of course! he is sooo HOT!! so yeah...he is fit i would say, and not fat! :]
I would have to say 148 lbs to 158 lbs, He's not that fat and he is pretty short.I'm 5 ft 5/5 ft 6 And i weigh in at 114,but im just really skinny.He's a man and has a little tummy so that weight sounds about right.He's a good weight.
He did excercise on an empty stomach so it was burning the stored fat and not the fat he just eat he did ten star jumps every morning he woke up and ten before he went to sleep he did good to lose lot of weight and to find his diet and keep fit and lose weight search josh peck loses his puppy fat :L
Not to be exact but like in the movie "Merry Christmas, Drake and Josh" where you can only see his shoulders. But I wouldn't take the risk since he will still have alot of fat on him when he lost the weight
Not at all. You weigh about 88 pounds. thankyou. how much do you weigh?
Answer:we don't know , but we think is true, did you remember when he finished Drake & Josh? he looks slim but healty, right now (in the kca '08, wackness premiere, and others) he looks deadly slim.i really care for he, cuz with anorexia people see theirselves fat when they are too slimso that's the reason why we think he have anorexia or/and bulimiai hope you'll better!!!!!!!!!
you should weigh about 90-140 if your fat you must weigh 140-160
Well, it depends on how fat you are then put your nose on a scale and weigh it.
that depins on if it is as fat as mine
21stone at least.
120 lb. in fat
Depends on how fat they are lol!!
A gallon of fat weighs about 7.4 Lbs...
they weigh about 180-220 pounds they cant run if they are fat