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Not much. Probably just a mega crap then a baby then a wooden log putt.

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Q: How much can your butt take?
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how much should you butt on your pets?

just show your BUTT!

How do you shape your butt?

excersise, eating the right kind of food (your five a day etc..) and watching how much you eat. don't take it too seriously cos you might not have a big butt after all.

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i don't know butt hang in there and rub some bacon on it

How much butt can a person see?

as much that is there

If you get flat abs will it take away your butt?

Not really if you work out your butt while doing it.

How do you get to see a girls butt?

take your filter off on google and type in girls butt

Is it dangerous to take a penis in the butt?

no its not

How do you shave your butt?

You take a ravor to it!

How do I scratch my balls?

First,take a hot chick/guy or girl and ask her to kiss your butt and take a cat to scratch your butt.

If your hair is shoulder length how long would it take to grow it out to your butt?

It would take 4 or 5 years to grow to your butt!

How can you make your butt smaller and how long does it take?

Don't eat so much, and work out....also, stop eating micky d's

How do you know when your butt is too big?

Take a pair of jeans out of your closet. If they do not fit, your butt is big.