The average flight time is 4 hours, 38 minutes.
This is only an approximation and flight times are likely to vary. Your airline will provide you with a flight time when you book a flight.
OK, the above answer is way off. There are no direct flights from Orange County to Miami. American Airlines offers a stop over flight in Chicago with no change of planes and that is 3 hours 50 minutes from SNA to ORD and 3 hrs and 10 minutes from ORD to MIA for a total of 7 hours. The most direct route is offered by Delta with a connection in ATL for a total of 6 hrs and 15 minutes of flying time. Not sure where the 4hrs and 38 minutes came from.
Disneyland is about 15 miles from John Wayne (Orange County) Airport by road.
Long Beach Airport (Daugherty Field) is 17 nautical miles northwest of John Wayne airport
The nearest airport to John Wayne is the Los Alamitos Army Airfield (11 miles NW)
John Wayne airport is approximately 45 miles south of the USC campus.
There are several shuttles that run from John Wayne Airport to Disneyland.
The flight distance from John F. Kennedy International Airport to Miami International Airport is 1,090 miles.
The flight time from John F. Kennedy International Airport to Miami International Airport is about 2 hours, 11 minutes.
Disneyland is about 15 miles from John Wayne (Orange County) Airport by road.
Long Beach Airport (Daugherty Field) is 17 nautical miles northwest of John Wayne airport
Vernon, California is approximately 31 miles northwest of John Wayne airport
The nearest airport to John Wayne is the Los Alamitos Army Airfield (11 miles NW)
John Wayne airport is approximately 45 miles south of the USC campus.
There are several shuttles that run from John Wayne Airport to Disneyland.
Not surprisingly: John Wayne Airport got its name because John Wayne was, and continues to be, considered to be quite the American hero in Orange County.
John Wayne Airport
John Wayne Airport AIRPORT CODE : SNA
Because John Wayne Airport has it's mailing address in Santa Ana the IANA identity code is SNA.