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Last names would be useful but i can only assume you are taking about the homecoming queen and king at my school in hampton Mississippi, Kristen Dale and Robert Jones. They are still dating and are about to hit there 6 month anniversary.

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12y ago
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15y ago

Three years. They just broke up a couple of weeks ago. You can read all about it in Life&Style.

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12y ago

They have been a couple for three years but they just broke up because Kristen cheated on Robert

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12y ago

Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson have been together ever since the last of Twilight.

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12y ago

Probably from 2009-2012.

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13y ago

During New Moon.

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13y ago

they still r dating dudes

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Yeah. They are dating.

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Robert Pattinson used to date Kristen Stewart but they broke up, but i think they may get back together

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Robert Pattison and Kristen Stewart aren't dating. However rumour has it that they tried to go out but i dunno if it worked or not. Kristen has a boyfriend i fink Kristen and her bf broke up ages ago rob and Kristen are officialy going on now

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they sounld date but she need to talk to her boyfriend first.

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It's maybe because Kristen is really mature for her age. And you don't really know if Robert wouldn't date a 17 year old. And you don't know either, if Robert liked Kristen in sense girlfriend.

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