I think he was not related he was already deceased in 1990. Hiliary is only how old now?? That is my answer NO
No, Anne Marie Duff is not related to Hilary Duff.] ==
Absolutely not...too old to have a child that young, but not impossible for Hilary to be a grandchild!!
You can find information on Hilary Duff at: www.hilaryduff.com .
No Hilary Duff is not a boy she is a girl.
No, Anne Marie Duff is not related to Hilary Duff.] ==
NO she's not
Absolutely not...too old to have a child that young, but not impossible for Hilary to be a grandchild!!
See Sources and related links, below, for the complete discography of Hilary Duff.
See Sources and related links, below, for Hilary Duff's Facebook page.
You can find information on Hilary Duff at: www.hilaryduff.com .
wHo iS Hilary Duff dAD??
Hilary duff.
Hilary Duff's birth name is Hilary Erhard Duff.
Hilary Duff's middle name is Erhard. Hilary Erhard Duff
Hilary Duff was born in Houston, Texas.